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Everything was calm in the horizon of Furry West, big prairies to walk, farms to take care of and livestock to exchange, Sheriffs making their work busting the baddies that want an easy life, and the bandits hijacking trains or banks in the towns far away, everything was running as usual... but that was soon to change.

(Civilized Town) was going through a big economic change for everyone, it claims that the town itself can maintain the other smaller towns having the biggest money supply in the area, determined to make the changes to the most forgotten places in the old west. (Civilized Town)’s mayor pretends to make political changes to reassure the safety outside the bandits that want to interrupt the changes. But of course that wasn’t gonna go through the interests of certain people.

Without no one noticing, in the most hidden places of the region, a group interested in going against the mindset of the mayor was forming, a new order where corrupt Sheriffs with some other important administrative people and elected bandits, formed together to overpower the mayor and start working on their mysterious plans that are yet to be discovered, causing a corruption network between the sheriffs.

How could you notice the difference between a good sheriff and a bad sheriff? What are the plans of this mysterious group? And who is going to investigate all of this? Will they be able to complete their mission and have full control over all Furry West?

Put your hat on and take your gun, choose your side and dive into this story!!


The time has come to start with Furry West. Remember that your opinion is taken into account, you have to put the names of the cities, with the main story that will be developed during the month in which Furry West will go out to the public, so it is recommended before they have your characters ready to integrate into the story and I hope that with the story I can help to have clearer the participation they want to have in the story

Any opinion is taken into account and is very helpful, I still need help in the name of the villages and towns uwu

Thanks to Odder for helping me translate this <3



AleTails Saru

Noooooo!!! This sounds like my country history XD (...or like a couple of soth america ones ToT) NO WAY WE ARE GOING TO ALLOW SUCH CORRUPTION AT... emm... Riantuk, the Gold City (is that a valid name for the city?)


Ay sorry n.n! Mmm What's the meaning of Riantuk? Sounds interesting heheh