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Miss Katerina, I would like to — HOLY F#CKING ELVEN GODS!!

T-Tanya… (hmm) Oh dear… 

*gulp* M-Miss… Why are you… Who did…?

I wasn’t expecting (ohh) you… This is so (ouch…) embarrassing… 

Wait! Did you... I mean... By yourself?!

I’m kind of (ugh) skilled in self-bondage (hmm)... You see, dear… Sometimes I just miss being bound…

*blush* D-do you… miss…?

By the way… Could you be (ach) kind and tighten this a little (ouch) more? I just can’t reach…

Do you want me…? DO YOU WANT ME…?


Oh my… Poor girl (gosh) passed out… I wonder if she isn’t too soft for my (uhh) Naomi…



Trevor Bond

Well here's a misunderstanding waiting to happen!


Poor Kat. She really need someone in her life to take care of bondage needs

Mystic X

I think (or hope) you mean "passed out", since "passing away " means she died, would be a good way to go, though...