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Your… mom?!

Yes, right? I mean, if you’re serious about… marrying…

I am! Course I am, my love! That’s just… unexpected.

Wait, are you nervous about meeting my mother?

A little, yes? W-what’s so funny about that?!

*giggles* My gosh, that’s the cutest face ever!!

S-shuddap! So, how is she like?

Well, mom is a...



Former bondage actress. It’ll be like “OMG, I GREW UP WATCHING YOUR MOM’S WORK!”


I think the best response from Tanya would be "Well this explains alot of your personality and situations."

Trevor Bond

Hah, some delightful options!


Honestly, I like the idea of her mom just making tons of bots with innocuous uses that gave Naomi complexes about bondage (even if Tanya's the one with the technophobia)


“ that was your mom!?!?! She’s the one who turned me onto bondage!!!!”