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Trevor Bond's free commission for winning the WHO IS THE DAMSEL? contest.

"Hm.... well, where's Seraphina been for the last little while? I'm going to suggest she's been hooked up to the ice cream maker.  I mean,  we have to keep production up to stock up for next summer, and Naomi's  been busy elsewhere!  lol!  And she's got some nice creamers!"

It's her again! Love that big, angel milf.

I f-feel sorry for her. That machine is mean.

Let me guess. You're willing to "save" her by offering yourself as prisoner, right?

S-shut up! It's not like I enjoy... like I want that torture for myself...

Course not, my love. Here, take some ice cream.

Sure, thanks — EEEW, GO AWAY!!



Mystic X

Angel milk, it does a body good! ^_^


Taste it, Naomi. I've heard it's divine


God, damn, you knocked that out fast! Love the arched spine, exploding boobs, and exaggerated expression! Between Tsunade, Naomi, Abby and now Seraphim, methinks this needs to be a series of some sort!

Trevor Bond

Ba-dum-TISH! thanks for making this joke, I was afraid I'd have to lol!

Trevor Bond

Holy speed demon that was fast! EXCELLENT work though! Who knew Angels were so productive? lol! Happy New Year, Boundpretties and everyone else!