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Custom full color reward for Fist13 OMFG!! tier patron, who asked:

"So i remember that Tanya and Naomi have a bet about whose is better in DoA and the loser has to cook diner in nothing but an apron. So i thought lets put both in aprons but have the top of it between their boobs so  that they are exposed and have them both tickled in their armpits with stretched out and bound/secured arms."

THIS ONE!! This -- waAAHAHAHAh -- t-this patron ALWAYS puts me in t-tickle tortuUUHUHUAAAHHhh...

All you faAAAAHAHAH -- f-fault, luv! That smile of yours is justHUHAHAHah!!

What's with t-this aprons anywaAAAHAHAHAH!!!

Don't care, looks just great on youUUHUHUHWAAAHH!!



leoryff Studios

It is nice to see them smiling and getting along together.

Trevor Bond

Smile ladies! Wider.... wider..... oh just bust out the feathers, hee!