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(headphones recommended)

So, the trailer that everyone saw was a way to hype up the fact that I am creating a vtuber eClaire model that you can talk with during content creation streams and live AMAs. Buuuuut, there seems to be a lot of interest in something deeper than that.

I'd like to work on a project like this, and perhaps make it an animatic (not an animation, but still frame shots that help tell a story). Would you be interested in something like this? If so, it'd likely take the place of the comic on the well-fed tier until its done. We can also do things like vote in its direction etc.

It'd go longer than this, maybe 3-4 minutes total. What do you think?


Taylor Moore

Oh I really like this


Awesome! I'm glad! I recently added a part 2, and I've still got a little bit more to add in to that one like wrapper rustling, a few more eclaire dialog lines, maybe a pie tin sound or something, just to give a little more world depth. I do plan on doing 2 more pieces (4 parts total), 1 a few weeks later of just nonstop feeding and then another like 6-7 months later