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First off, thank you to everyone signed up and supporting me, whether it be temporary for just no diet november 2.0 or long term for all the other content. THANK YOU!

Now for some updates. NO Diet November 2.0 will get its mini update probably tomorrow and ita main update later this week.

Sexting series should also get another image this week at aome point.

I do also have 2 more commissions I am working on, i tried getting them done this past weekend but i just couldnt make it happen. If any other feeder tier folks havent reached oit for their commission this month, nows the time.

Apologies to the wellfed tier for the slow going on the comic. With no diet november, it eats into the page production time. I promise i will get to it and move it forward soon.

Life update:
Still struggling with energy levels and free time with the newborn. That is contributing to the slower nature of content production. Once the baby is able to sleep more easily through the night, that will allow me to get back to a more normalized cadance. But man, i am getting exhausted -_-;

Anyways hope everyone is enjouing the content so far, let me know if you have any ideas for fan service for No Diet November 2.0 :), i will do what i can. Bit man Fiona is growing fucking fast!


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