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Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. Aside from missing last week's Well-Fed comic page, I was actually able to manage to still have content to post.

I'm feeling much better now. My neck isn't as sore, I have my taste and smell back, my sinuses are no longer swollen, etc.

That said, I'm getting back into the swing of things. So, some quick updates:

Butterball image this week: Looks like the poll came back for Natalya from Destroy All Humans. I think I have a solid idea for this one, kind of a play off the final scene of the second game. (I ended up watching a playthrough of both games at 2x speed to get caught up with the character lol).

Well-Fed: Currently working on Page 4 of Round Hogs Day. The way this comic is shaping up, I think it'll be around 12-20 pages. I decided to go more with a story route than just straight fetish fuel. But don't worry, it'll still be fire.

Commissions: Believe it or not, I still have 1 left to do from February, not to mention the 3rd page of Battle of the Beckys, which I promise I'll get to soon (the commissioner has been very patient). I have a solid 4 or so already on the books, so as soon as I finish up this last one from Feb, I can get cracking on those. Feb always seems to mess me up with it being a shortened month and my birthday month, so sorry for you commission delays.


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