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Cats Love Water commissions featuring the comic characters! - are open now

The same price as normal commissions apply here, BUT the twins count as one character! 

I'll taking 3 slots this time and do my best to open them once a month.

Once I get your request for a slot I will send you a form you are ought to fill to keep things organized.

The rest of you who were late into claiming a slot can leave their comment in this post, I will contact you the following months! so everyone who wants a com has a chance.

If you are interested please comment below!

Exclusive for Patreons, you can choose among the following CLW characters to be with yours:

-Arno and Celio (together or separately at your choice)

-Cato (parakeet)

-Reik (orca)

-Erik (aye-aye)

-Dick (sea Lion)

You can find more pictures and info about the characters here Read all the TOS and commission information in my webpage here The prices have changed lately so make sure to check them!

Thank you!



i want commission!


I'm interested in a slot


I'm interested in a slot (looks like im not in the first 3 so i'd be fine with wait list too)


I’d like a slot please


I would love to throw my two cats at your twins or my deer at Erik, but i need to save up some money to make that possible.

Neko Boy

I would like to join the waitlist please.


slipping in the back of the line here c:


I'll get in on the list too

Ivica F

Might as well get on that list. :D


I would absolutely love to go onto your waitlist! Already got ideas going.~


I'd be happy to join the waitlist


Hi ! I was on the waitlist of the previous commissions slots back in January, i was in the 3 first that commented to be on the waitlist, i was wondering if i was forgotten or something ? Or if I didn't do it right the first time ? Have a nice day and take care !


I'd like a spot on the wait list


If this waitlist is still open, I would love one!


hey I’d like a spot on the list!


creeping into the back of the line here. :3


i would love to have a pice form you!


hey! i’d love to be able to enter the list again if that’s ok!