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Hello everyone! Thank you for your support this month and double thank you for your patience, here are the next pages of CLW! I hope you enjoy it!

I really enjoy drawing interactions between these two, they have a  quite calm and level headed way to interact out of the intimate act that contrast with the teasing hornyness they hexhibit before. 

I don't know about you but for me the have such a chemistry!

I will be sending the rewards shortly! stay safe- And don't hesitate top ask anything.




Very interesting ^_^


Nice job on the backgrounds and architecture. Sad to see Celio is permanently scarred.


If everything does or doesn't go well from what I'm seeing, I at least want Celio and Erik as a couple lol.


Now that you say that, Erik's got some explaining to do for that scar he has


When did he get scarred up again?


Oh my bad, I must have missed that detail, I should look back lol


Aw damn, feel so bad for him that he will have such huge scars...


I like this pairing...somehow they are sweet together

Biohazard 001

They have amazing chemistry! You draw and write their interactions so well. These two are honestly my favourite characters!!!