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 The wait list for Cats Love Water commissions featuring any character you choose! - 

Exclusive for Patreons, you can choose among the following CLW characters:

-Arno and Celio (together or separately at your choice)

-Cato (parakeet)

-Reik (orca)

-Erik (aye-aye)

-Dick (sea Lion)

You can find more pictures and info about the characters here Read all the TOS and commission information in my webpage here The prices have changed lately so make sure to check them!

The same price applies though the twins count as one character!I'll taking 3 slots this time and do my best to open them once a month. Once I get your request for a slot I will send you a form you can fill with all the info about your picture.

The rest who were late into claiming a slot can leave their comment here and I will contact you next month! so everyone who wants a com has a chance.

If you are interested please comment below!

Thank you for your support-Spots taken:

-LitaLD - Sketching

-Zero - Lineart 



I'd love to get a commission done if there is a spot still open.


I would like to be on the wait list for a slot.

Sir Is Watching

I would kindly like to request a slot on the waitlist.


I would like to request a slot on the waitlist please.


I would also love to request a slot on the waitlist please. And thank you in advance!


I also hope you can draw Pokémon. Just thought I could ask.


i want commission slot!


waitlist plox c:


I like to be added to the list ("have a question about erik tho")


Yes of course I can draw a pokemon Oc as long it's anthropomorphic and not feral (in a nsfw situation)


I'ld like to be on the waitlist please


I’ll take a slot! It’ll be with Erik, I love him. 🥺💕


I was was too late to this list - darn! I would love to be on the waiting list again please! Still need to decide if I would want to twins or Cato.


I'll take a wait list spot~


I did comment on the other post, but i might as well comment here too