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Hello everyone, I am thinking to implement another way to show the special content of every month, posting the pack links in posts with the proper nsfw warning.

The method of private pack sharing came up in a time where we, as nsfw artists, were not sure about how much Patreon will let us share in our posts without restrictions, I think it's safe to say that now I can share this content in locked posts without the risk of being kicked out of the platform. If you have an opinion or extra knoweledge bout this (specially for some cases I'm seeing lately among artists leaving) please share! are you okay with me sharing the link packs in permanent posts?

I think will be nice to have the content available in their totality for new Patreons and be able to get rid of my last tier or transform it in a tier that only share old packs prior of this.

Your opinion is welcome!

Thanks for reading-



I've heard talk of some artistic having problems with Patreon but I haven't had any issues yet with my project. I think, as long as sexual content is behind a pay wall, you're good, right?


Well I think it would at the same time be a good idea and a bad idea. It's a very cool thing that you'd let new Patreons have access to the whole content. But because of the way your Patreon is charged, people could just hop in, get the stuff, and go back without paying. Which is something you need to keep in mind. It's nice though from you to think about new patreons wanting old stuff. I can understand the frustration they could have as I, was there too. The risk could also be people only supporting you every 3 months for example, and not paying for the 2 others. It's just something to think about


I think is more of the type of content, Patron seems to be against certain types of nsfw that seem to be too problematic for them. I've already checked and none of my content fit those categories though.


Gotcha. Well, I support whatever means you need to do to keep your content available. Censorship drives me crazy in general anyway, I think that's one of the reasons that I was drawn to Patreon initially is that I could tell the story I want without having people censor that.


Thanks for your input! I didn't think about that, you have a point! as much as I want everyone to enjoy the content I provide is soemthing to keep in mind-


What about a discord group? Those seem pretty popular

Abeille Femelle

I usually put the first picture as a SFW picture that says "NSFW post, see attached" so that's what you see when you're scrolling, and people can click on it if they want


I know my reply is a late one, but have you thought about putting the packs up on Gumroad so people can buy the packs there? that way you would not have the problem of someone paying for one month, downloading everything and then just leave.