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Thank you very much for keeping your support this month, it means a lot to me! I hope you enjoyed these pages and all the wips in the reward packs.

I already took the commissions for this month based on the waiting list, if you want to have a chance to have a commission with any character of CLW leave your comment in the journal linked here confirming you want a slot in the waiting list, everyone can participate no matter how much you pledge!

Hope you have a great day and please stay inside!

I will send the rewards shortly




OOOOH I WONDER WHAT HE SEES!!! Also do you plan to open for commissions that aren't CLW related? :D


He seems to be enjoying his new friend :3 Dumb question wasn’t the Ay-ay guy married?

Chat Noir

Awsome as always!! Are you planing on doing another stream soon?


Yes! I'm starting to stabilize my life after the moving so I will do streams of next pages.


Thank you! I alrady went through my waiting list this month over FA and I'm waiting for the response of next commissioners, but I understand this may not happen due the pandemic situation.


No I was just dumb, I was vaguely remembering this scene and him holding her made me think they were married or something x3 furaffinity.net/view/23150704/


Awesome job on the expressions and the pose in the second page <3 Erik looks so much more handsome in just one volume of the comic! It could be the better eyes and hair :3


Do I sense a connection between Erik and Celio?


Surprised Erik is CUTE !

Biohazard 001

Gah! The Tease is real! So good!