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Hello everyone! thanks for supporting CLW this month! reward packs will be sent shortly!

As you know CLW is getting to a chapter end, toh the comic still continues! new chapters will be something I´ll use to improve my way to make comics in something more effective and appealing, I hope you still enjoy it!

Also this means new characters! I hope you like what I got planned from now on.

I have a pack of sketches as usual, for next time you could see some of my sketch work in character development for Just Business. My new Hardblush comic!

Thanks and enjoy!




If you're introducing new characters, do you plan on every chapter still having Arno and Celio as the main focus? Or will some chapters have them playing a more minor role or no role at all?


Arno and Celio are the protagonists of this story so they are pretty much the main focus, however the other characters showing up will convey their own stories and relationships with them to create the plot, so they will be important too.