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Hello Guys! here is this new update! page update plus rewards. This reward is smaller cause I spent a lot of time working in this page. So I hope you like it!! Rewards´ll be sent shortly. Thank you so much for all your support and don´t forget to comment!!




Some day Arno, some day.. xP Gotta laugh out of the last panel, the expressions are just perfect. Man you can tell you put a lot of work with this page, just love how you were able to handle all the little details, like how you were able to do the set of cameos and how they were placed. Time for my stupid question its easier to tell who's who in comics but, when you made the twins were you ever concerned about people getting them mixed up or is that part of the fun in having such characters?


The guys in the pictures look really cute, I hope we get to see more of them


Haha! Arno´ll have to wait XD Thank you so much for that! I really appreciate it. This took me a lot of extra work. And don´t worry, it isn´t a stupid question at all. I am concerned that people won´t be able to tell them apart in some cases but I´m looking a way to tell who is who trough their personalities, (apart of the obvious color difference in dialogue) and then setting up a visual reference. Not sure if it´s working or is the correct thing to do since I´m new and I´m pretty much experimenting with stories, but that´s the idea.