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Hi guys, first of all sorry for the lack of updates been working like crazy in this update and literally put everything else on the side, lol. So its finally here the final update for the game boy mod.
I will probably will make another update when the DX9 version of the Rebith patch comes out but till then there will be no more updates at least if its for fixing stuff that breaks the mod.
The main new thing is the cutscenes now with sfx and music, there is also new sfx for most of the stuff there is still some blips and blops from the og but they are not some prominent so I decide no to change them besides it would takeme even more time there is around 350 customs sfx now.

So whats new?

  • Reworked cutscenes now with sound and music by Mechanical Paladin.
  • Added missing inventory models for the UMB 4, 7 and 13 bottles and improved all the other bottles.
  • Fixed the mask on the library where the statue/light puzzle is.
  • Fixed the music when Rebecca gets shot.
  • Added missing SFX (guns, zombies, genera sfx) and fixed some old ones.
  • New font based on the one used on the cutscenes for a better visual cohesion.
  • New extra costumes based on the original colors scheme of the characters and a second one based on another Capcom franchise.
  • Reworked the weapons texture to match they color on the inventory.
  • Reworked the visual fx (dust, fog, glass, fire etc) to look more game boy like.

Standard Classic REbirth mod just drpp the 7zip file in the game folder and run the game then select the mod from the mod list and your are good to go.
you also need to update the "movie" folder with the new cutscenes so be sure to back up your original folder.

Big secret

So this update brings two costumes for Chris and jill the first one is a simple recolor of the basic GB costume but with the original color scheme of the characters, now both of the second costume are based on something special and the thing is you have to guess what is it. The first one that comes to my dm with the answer will win a custum texture for any playable character from RE1. 2 or 3. be sure to not post about it as I plan to play the same when the mod goes public. The other big secret wasnt found yet so we can still play there is a Game boy item in Chris story if you found where and you are the first on my dm with the answer youe get a custom character model (tetxture + 3d model) for any playable character from RE1, 2 or 3, same as with the skins be sure to not post about it as I plan to play the same when the mod goes public.

Clue: The game boy is in his natural "habitat"

In other news:

Next the Deadly Silence mod will be finished for good it doesnt need that much work as the game boy mod so it will probably be ready by the end of the month and after that the Survivor HQ Texture pack will also be finishd. RERemake unused costumes are on hold as the lastest updates of win10 don't letme work with blende 2.7 (it closes eveytime I change to another window T_T).

I want one more time to give a big shout out to Mechanical Paladin for the amazing work he did with the cutscenes without him those will have ended sounding terrible. Thanks a lot my dude.

This silly mod was something I started working in 2012 and its kinda crazy how big end it being, I can not thank you enought for the support.



So excited to play this!!