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Hi everybody it's release time! June was a odd month, wanted to release some more stuff but we had the chance to start working again on some house fixes we had on hold due to the pandemic so we took it. Also had some rought time recently the day the I was going the get my date for the vaccine my mother in law got sick with covid and now all the family have to wait till next tuesday to test us.

She is in confinement for 10 days on a hotel room, luckily she already passed the half life of the sickness and only lost his sense of smell not even got fever.  All, exept me, already got theyr first shot but luckily for us we didnt show any symptoms till now so it looks like we are on the safe, crossing fingers.

The GB mod is almost done, practically in the final stretch.
Graphic wise all the game is done it just need some little nitpicks like fixing the font and re texture the items (ammo, herbs, etc.) on the rooms. The next updates will deal with the missing sfx and fmv.

The loading problems was fixed so now you dont need to extract the files from the .7z, just drop the file on the game folder and run the game. Check the installation instructions below.

Whats new?

  • All inventory 3d models done
  • Fixed the hit boxed on room ROOM3050 that let Chris going out of bounds and crashing the game.
  • Added new masks to the ROOM3050 to work with the squared fontain
  • New version of "Still dawn" for the credits video, now with drums.
  • Minor background fixes on the mansion first floor rooms.

What's in the future?

As the gb mod is almost done, so I think is a good time to anunce what are the next project I'm going to tacle:

A while a go  I started to gatter asset for a game.com mod for RE2,
Game.com was a weird portable console from the  90' that had an  exclusive RE2 port, this version is really short but the game is so slow that it take a while to finish, So I guess that it will play more like the 4th survivor than anything else.
Just like the GB mod it will be a vey pixelated experience, right now I'm still ripping the backgrounds because nobody did this before lol, crontrary the GB mod the room from the game.com version of RE2 are not like the orginals they are adaptations, so I will need to create rooms from scratch.

Game.com version of Leon

And the other kind big project I had in mind is The boat mod for RE2, you probably know what I mean but I dont want to use "that" title for the mod just to not jinx it. The initial scope is smaller than the last intent, I'm hoping to recreate from the beginning of the game to the first encounter with the B.O.W. and see how thing go from there.
I already started gattering assets for the background and recreating tha basic form of the rooms in 3d plus I already got items renders and 3d models from characters and enemies from the previus project and some wonderful people like Mechanical Paladin, who also helped me with the music on the gb mod, backing me up.

1° floor on the making

Also beside this I have some smaller mods in mind to but I will be talking about those later.


you will need the lastest Classic REbirth patch for this build of the Game Boy conversion mod to work.

- Download the TWO  .7z file from the links I sent.

- Put the both .7z files in the game folder next to the game executable and the Classic Rebirth patch (you don't need to extract the .7z, if you try you will get an error message).

- Make sure to back up your original MOVIE folder, then open the movie.7z file and extract MOVIE folder to the game folder. When its done close the .7z .

- Run the game and select the mod from the mod list like in the picture.

- I recommend playing the game using the retro mode of Classic REbirth for a fully pixelated experience and turn off texture filtering otherwise the voxel model texture looks bad.

If you have any doubt or find any bug post them in the comments so I can fix it for the next build.

As always thanks for your support! It really helps me a lot!




lovely! i cant wait to try them out :)

Giovanni Ferrero

Anche io,grazie Leigiboy per il tuo lavoro.


Hello! I would love to play your mod, but I can't find the link :(


Where do I find the link for the Zip folders?


where can I find the links?