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Hi, I've been feeling like my tiers are a bit overpriced and the names are a little cringey, lol. I want my content to be a bit more affordable. So, at the end of the month, I will be deleting all the current tiers and remaking them for much cheaper! You can look at the pricing then and decide whether you want to pledge for the coming month or not. I would greatly appreciate it if you do, but you don't have to if you don't want to. Some tiers will be half the price of what they are now though. Just saying, hehe. Yeah, just wanted to let you know. Hope you're all doing well and are safe and sound. โœจโค
Also, I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors on here. I've been studying all day and my brain is fried lol



You not gonna delete any previous audiosุŸ


yay that's great :D


none of your audios are showing up for me wth