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Annie & The Mirror Goat Is ahead of schedule!

I thought about and talked out what was missing for Annie & The Mirror Goat to be complete and it all suddenly clicked! I spent the last few days just sketching and designing like crazy! 

I wanted to show WIP art here to let everyone know where the Annie train is going!

Annie & The Mirror Goat premise:

Annie runs a Paranormal boutique where she researches unnatural phenomena as well as Wildmons. She takes what she learns and adds it to her alchemy to create her unique potions to sell to travelers! Be sure to check out her back room for very "special" potions~

Main Cast:

Annie Hole: Flirtatious fox that runs her paranormal alchemy boutique.

Miriam The Mirror Goat: Inexperienced sex demon working with Annie. Has supernatural mirror portal powers.

Maeven The Graveyard Hellhound: Master of the occult and often moody. Works with Annie.

Derriere The Deer (WIP): Rules over a dilapidated castle she took over. Tries and fails to compete with Annie in Alchemy. Set out to uncover how Annie is makes such unique potions and thwart her.

Kore The Death's Head Mothfaun: Derriere's incompetent underling. Derriere only keeps her around because she knows her dirty butt tentacle secret (see WIP comic above). Was put in charge of the dungeons under the castle to keep her out of sight.

Sedah The Beast Tamer: Knowledgeable on the history of the land. Can charm beasts, like Wildmons, and tentacles. She's Derriere's trusted helper. Sedah loves Kore!

Karen Kobold and Wildmons are secondary cast!

I thank you all so much for the support! 

The next steps:

  • Recent Art Packs will be reworked and presented in a neater fashion later this month! 
  • All work above will be completed! 
  • Miriam and others full paintings coming soon! 
  • Ask Annies in progress!

Annie is so excited she could explode!



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