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How would you all like me to post art going forward?

Should I post art on Patreon as I finish it throughout the month instead of all at once at the end of the month in a Dropbox link?

I think I might work more efficiently if I was posting Poll-Selected art here and getting more feedback. Just posting Dropbox links is a bit impersonal.

The upside is all art is accessible here and you can leave feedback! Uploads will be more consistent through the month. The downside is there wouldn't be any big payoff at the end of the month or anything. There is the concern of my art being stolen, too, (Thanks sites who yank my work!) but I'm not sure that's a big enough issue.

I'll still compile everything together and send it out at the end of the month with a Dropbox link!

Any other suggestions?

Thank you for your support! :3


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