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Any feedback is appreciated!

I'm thinking I'm going to use Dropbox a lot. It's going to get messy/hard to organize if I post too many sketches and other small things.

I'll put my Patron poll backed art, like Muffet for this month, in a dropbox link and send it out at the beginning of the following month when payments are processed so I can protect my Patreon art from sites like Yiff Party since I have and will be drawing a lot of furry art/comics.

1. I'll post any SFW Patreon poll backed art up like normal at the beginning of the following month since that will be free.

I'll post all versions publicly on my other sites one month after that. One month exclusive here~

2. I'll post my personal full paintings and commissions up like I have been. No change.

3. I'll gather all sketches and smaller art and stick them in one post a month, in a dropbox if I need to. That should help cut down clutter.

4. I'll add a new $10 tier for making (mostly) erotic comics. That's going to be a fairly big undertaking but I think it will be really popular once I start producing them! I'll make a sample comic, probably with Braixen from Pokemon, soon!

To test the dropbox and messaging systems for Patreon I'm going to send out a link with my Salazzle one page comic I did last year in a bit. Let me know if you got it or if anything went wrong.

Does this sound reasonable? Any suggestions?


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