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Hey y'all! Just giving a quick update on the CWC side of things. Part 60 will be uploaded at or around February 24 cuz... y'know. I want to keep the upload date a bit on the down low for the time being. I will be more public about things once the uploading routine is restarted.

Apart from that, the usual rules apply. If you're interested in getting your name in the end credits, please be in the 5 dollar tier or above before Feb 21 just to be safe. For 10 dollars or more, you'll get the script for the video about 10 days before it's uploaded, in addition to all the other scripts that have been uploaded here.

That's all for now. In the meantime, please enjoy(?) the above sampler of what's to come. Just wanted to let y'all know this first before anyone else ;)

Thanks for your support!






Wow nice, now I'm dying inside. Looking forward to the horror that is this series


Looking forward to it