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In the light of what is happening, I have decided to put Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History on hiatus after tomorrow's release of Part 59. Originally, I had planned to keep going until Part 60 in August, but I'm afraid it is best to save that until early 2022. The current situation is way too crazy, and to keep going may be seen as disrespectful and advantageous.

Part 59 will be finalized about right now, so all the relevant patrons will be credited. within 24 hours, you will be prompted to renew your patronage for August, so I must tell you that there will be no more Chris Chan until early 2022, to help you make an informed decision on how you spend your money. During this intermission, I will be making more music and documentaries which I hope you will enjoy.

I'm very sorry for this sudden announcement, but I'm sure you can understand.

Stay Safe and Have a Day.



I agree, let's take a break, if not just shelf the thing completely. It's not just goofy anymore...


everything chris has ever done has been, in my perception, through a hazy window of disbelief... nothing has seemed real and i’ve followed this ‘story’ for a while now. recent events have really shifted my view and it all seems too real now... i think we all need a break. thank you for your hard work


don't blame you


Thank you for all your hard work Geno. Look after and be kind to yourself! Can't wait to see your other documentaries and your amazing music. I'm sure everyone will keep supporting you ❤️


No doubt man. Things got a little heavy. Thanks for all the hard work you do making these docs. Can’t wait to see what else you have in mind.


Understandable. Thanks for keeping up the hard work for so long. I'm looking forward to seeing your other future content


No worries! I can't wait to see what other topics you will cover!


Yeah, it's kind of turned the situation up to 11. Might be best to take that step back a little early, see how things settle and what kind of perspective it gives on the events you've yet to cover leading up to everything that came out. I'm interested to see what you come out with in the meantime! Love your style!


Good idea.


not only do I agree that it is probably best to put chris chan on hold considering the situation but I also think that it is probably good for you to take a break from chris chan. not only for your own mental health but also as a chance to do your other projects.


After hearing the audio leak, I can't blame you...


We love and support you Geno!! I hope your break from Chris Chan treats you well


We really can't blame you. That audio was chilling. It's probably best for your mental health to distance yourself from the topic as well.


I'm sad its gonna be gone but i am 100% on board with this choice. Its such a dangerous spot and better to hold off / finish as we follow this out come. Even if you never came back to the CC history I , and i think most of us here and on youtube have appreciated all the work and content you have done over the years, while staying so overly respectful and kind while covering this. Thank you for years and hours of content and I am very excited to see other docs and music you put out over this time and for the rest of your career!


If there's any time to take a break its now. We've entered the darkest time line.


I fully support you taking a break, making these videos cannot be easy on your mental health. Focus on something else for a while for sure.


Love you Geno, you deserve it more than anyone 💕


Just joined to support you through this, the series is high quality and comprehensive so it is only right (in my opinion) to help out when you make the right decision.


Thank you! I have just started a rewatch of the chrischan series. I hope you find time to relax during your hiatus.


That’s fair. I was around when it all started (I’m old), and never thought it’d go this way 😬