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Yes, I haven't been posting for a little while. So here's what happened:

-I lost a lot of revenue last 2 months with YouTube.  I don't know why, but the algorithm hates me apparently, and I lost about 60% of my revenues/reach/subscriber growth.  I took a contract to work for some music festivals to help pay the rent and got super busy.

-In the meanwhile, my 2 editors went on vacation at the same time (I know, right?) and I just didn't have the time to edit or even film anything.

-Last week while working, a piece of concrete fell on my foot and basically shattered my big toe.  I am fine and recovering fast enough.

-Oh yeah, almost forgot, I am in the process of recording a new album with my band Fracturus.

So starting tomorrow I will be back with My Hero Academia (on YouTube) and back to regular video posting next week.

Sorry for the wait/confusion.





Get well soon! Plus Ultra!


Get well soon! Love You