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I don't get where you got the info this was the end of part 1. There are different arcs (and we are not even at the end of the first one) but not seasons, it's one story of 64 episodes so it's structured to have a deep introduction of characters and themes which will be all flashed out. I'm not here to try to convince you to like something you don't but if your disappointment comes from these expectations I'd like you to know they are based on wrong informations.


I watched on Netflix and I see it's separated in parts there, which is baffling to me for the reasons I pointed out above. I hope you will continue to watch at least until you see the opening change, those are the real markers for the changing arcs.


No. This show has a serious tone problem. One minute it wants to be serious and deep, the other it wants the be a kid show. Seriously I watched 12 episodes and I feel half of them are fillers. I told myself if I watch 12 episodes something will happen...nope. my gf watched the whole thing and says it just gets more and more boring as the show advance.


If that's how you see it there is not much to discuss further, I'm just sad you didn't like it but de gustibus


Not only that...I gotta admit that the very poor views on youtube and the constant complaints from people who want me to watch this show in English has also turned me down severely. Even my best friend who fmab is her favorite show. I trusted her but it just doesn't work for me. It's a kid show it feels...I'm 42


The real problem with the jokes are. They insert them into serious moments sometimes and it completely pulls me off. For example, I watch demon slayer which has a lot of slapstick comedy, but it never breaks the dramatic flow. For example the running joke about Edward being small is funny at first but becomes cringy when he's trying to infiltrate the 5th laboratory. It breaks the suspense. I feel if you took 20% of the jokes out it would be better toned. Also...I can't stop but imagine a very dark serious version of this show. Because there is a lot I love in fmab. The action, the world, the alchemy. But there was basically no action for the last 4-5 episodes I watched. Last action I remember is Scar vs lust/gluttony in the sewer which barely lasted a minute.


Well, about the humor I can't argue, I like it because gives a little more levity to the situation but maybe I'm biased since I can contextualize it on the larger scale (having seen it already) knowing it tapers out as the story progress; at the same time I can't tell you what to like, it's this series style and that's that basically. If you want a darker version of the story you should continue watching (at least 2-3 episodes) but at the same time I'm conflicted in saying that because I can see how it is annoying to hear the usual "wait it gets better, wait it gets better" when you are not enjoying what you are seeing now, it's the show's job to engage your attention, not yours. I could make more arguments in favour of the show but I don't want to come out as pushy and I'm sorry if that's how it transpired.


Not at all. I enjoy this conversation a lot actually. The last 3-4 episodes have been going downhill for me so as a reactor, I feel awkward about continuing. If the show was a hit on my channel it might give me a different vibe but it's by far the lowest viewed videos. So It's weird that everybody tells me it's a masterpiece and they like my reactions...but they don't really watch it???


It's unfortunate that you seem to not be having that great of a time with the show thusfar, but I will say that the show really does get significantly better 10-20 eps in. I actually have the exact same issue with the humor randomly coming in during serious moments and ruining scenes, but this is only really a problem in the beginning. The problems with humor dissipate and the mature/dark themes it begins to explore go far beyond most anime. There is also filler episodes in the first 10-20 eps, but there is virtually no filler at all after that. I will also say that the erratic uploading probably doesn't help the views. Honestly I've assumed you'd dropped the show multiple times as there's randomly 2 weeks to a month between any upload for it, to the point where I forget you're even reacting to it still haha. In any case, if you don't enjoy reacting to it then no one can blame you for not reacting to it. I would at least watch it on your own time as this show really is considered by many to be the best anime of all time. It has sat at #1 on MyAnimeList for years and it is the only thing currently rated above the latest seasons of Attack on Titan, and for good reason.


But how is it a masterpiece when it has filler episodes?? That is my real question. And yes my filming got very erratic because the reception on YouTube has been so underwhelming. I mean the views are just bad to be honest.


Yeah Rush Valley was definitely one I could have done without. Especially after one of the main character's death.


Damn, I wrote a long comment and instead of editing I deleated it -_- What I wrote is basically the fact that there are no fillers exept the first episode and the recap one in the middle of the series. These episodes are still setting the pieces in motion and letting you know the character and the world around them. Rush valley, a weak episode, still gives us character growth for Winry and a parallel to the current episode with the opposition between the natural flow and the will of alchemists. As I said before, one shouldn't watch this as a series with 5 seasons but a long season with different arcs. If this was the actual season finale as you are led to believe I'd be disappointed too but this is episode 12 of 64. To do a very bold and far comparison, it would be like ending Avengers: Infinity War during the banter between the Guardians and Thor, there is another big chunk of movie and another one to conclude the narrative. In regard to youtube views I can't know for sure and I won't say much since it's not my bread and don't understand it's trends. If I had to make a guess probably a sum of what Cains said above and just the preferences of a big silent part of the viewers (those who don't vote or chat). Whatever the reason, the results is what it is and your perplexity and thoughts about the future are sensible and I can't say much about it.

Andrew Wild

So, I've read through many of the comments here so far, and If you don't mind I'd like to add 2 very biased cents to the conversation. I feel quite obligated to say something because I probably originally suggesting this anime to you 10 months ago on your first OPM reaction on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqyKlCQQEU0&lc=UgwaFCTD5IEvackItIJ4AaABAg.988n2eypFmp988q8XlYsID Sorry, this comment will be long winded and probably jump all over the place, but I'd rather put all this in one post as opposed to jumping around with several replies. To be honest, I am rather taken aback, because your thoughts on the series so far are the most negative feedback I think I have ever heard about this show. I don't say that to discredit your thoughts; everyone is entitled to an opinion and subjective tastes. What I can confidently say, is that the numbers you are seeing on YT are not indicative of the show's historical popularity, since it's basically kept its mantle for more than a decade on sites like MyAnimeList (Viewer Review Sites). I would suspect that sub vs dub is a factor, and I empathize with your frustration. I wish I could tell you that it was an easy cut and dry decision to always go sub or dub, but more realistically, as a reactor its probably best handled show to show. I've multiple times seen other reactors I'm subbed to poll us on which we prefer (again show to show). I wholly disagree with the assertion that the show will get more boring the further in. While, I agree that these last two episodes where not action oriented, they did bring important world building and new character introductions. Frankly, you haven't seen any anime with filler yet (actually, I don't know about Jujustu Kaisen; haven't seen that yet). What you've seen in this anime has been intentional. None of the plot introduced will fall by the wayside we will get back to them, but the show will on occasion sprinkle in some minor diversions, that are important and integral as previously stated. Anime that follow a western seasonal story structure are in the vast minority, so don't get hung up on that. This show originally aired weekly with basically no breaks start to finish. You will see events happen with the kind of elevated importance, like a finale, but in their own time. As for the comedy, like others have said, it's very much intended as comic relief, to balance serious and/or dark story developments. Also, the style of the comedy is pretty Japanese and this is a departure from other anime's you've seen as well. Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself whether to keep going. I cannot refute what you are seeing for viewership numbers on YT, so I would understand if you stopped purely for business reasons. That being said, this show is still my personal go-to gateway anime show suggestion for friends. If I was physically in the room with you I would force you to watch a few more eps with me at least.


Well...this show has a problem with his tone that I am convinced. They don't balance the humor well. Second of all,. I felt there was at least 3 filler episodes in this first 12. My favorite episode was 1 so far. For the YouTube part, it is my least viewed videos on my channel. I can barely get 2k views for it. And the comments about dub/sub is purely annoying. To be honest several things I thought were very bad almost insulting. The first one being that whole story about Alphonse being real or not. Such metaphysical things to end up settling it next episode in brotherly love...like really?? It felt purely useless. I get it they might be building stuff for future episodes but...the Rush Valley episode was super cringy. It can't be a masterpiece with episodes like that I'm sorry. Maybe people voted for this out of nostalgia. Which is fine but they don't watch it. So I feel not only I'm not invested but my audience is not invested either. So my question becomes...why am I doing this?

Ivancho Allegro Mundaca

My dear Alex. This is the first time I ever know that this anime was taken as parts or seasons. I promese you that this is not like a parted series, this is a whole, so don't be disapointed just because you read somewhere that this was part one of the series. Take it from us, the series is a whole thing and was never meant to have parts and cliffhangers. What you watch or not is obviously your desitión to make, and I know what happened in YT about the veiws. I am so sorry and confused about that since when you made the polls both here and YT said FMAB. I don't know whats going on about that, but about this series. Please don't giev up on it just yet. At least watch it at your leisure time. You won't regret it. I know you won't. Go Alex. GO.


Maybe there's no parts/seasons but seriously the last 2 episodes were boring and borderline cringy. I don't understand after killing a main character why we go there??


But that does not answer my question. I've watched 12 episodes and I felt at least 4 of them feeled like fillers. And I have no idea what you mean by implications for the brothers. Season/part finale or not, the last 2 episodes were a severe letdown. Miracle at Rush Valley??


Also where is the action?? Since fifth laboratory (where the action was ok) there's no action.

Luke Eager

Don't worry too much Alex, this is what happens when an Anime gets extremely over-hyped before you watch it. It also has a very devout fan-base who I swear only have a hard-on for this one show so they will pretty much attack you for saying anything other than "10/10". I eventually loved the show.. but only after I stopped watching it for a few months because it simply bored the shit out of me and felt like a chore watching. Just drop it and don't worry about the minimal amount of shit you'll get, (like you said it's you're least watched series on YT). I couldn't imagine anything worse than being somewhat pressured to sit through a show that I'm not enjoying.


OMG. This comment resonated with me intensely. Yes right now I do feel pressured. I lost 10-12 patrons the day I dropped the last 2 episodes.

Peony 三色団子

Did you stop watching? This story is the essence of the story, so it's sad if you find it boring.


Yes I find it very boring. To be honest I am wondering why this is considered a masterpiece.

Peony 三色団子

The first episode is a filler, but I think the other stories are the original story.


The first episode was my favorite of the first part.


They don't??? It's full of action which I love.


I respect your opinion. But I said it before. This show has a serious problem with his tone. A dark story with political implications with immature humor that breaks all its seriousness. I think I would love the story of Mustang or Scar was the main character.


Oh thats fair you don't have to like it I even understand your complaints and worries don't have to react to something you don't want. But its no surprise everyone likes the show hell its Rated the number 1 anime in multiple sources. The reason people watch this dub mainly is because the characters themselves are not japanese (similar to AoT they have english structured names and a european setting) plus in my opinion the whole story is easier to digest, the jokes did not work for me in sub


hmmm i get you as my friend had the same reaction but they're humans they aren't being eaten by titans plus the MC's are children they're not going to be sad and mopey 24/7 regardless of whether there are religous or political undertones or not, if you get what I mean. What your GF said was confusing though, that it doesn't go anywhere, but as I said each to their own !