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Ian Kirk

Bro you fucking rock!


Woo, only 4 more! Btw theres something from last episode that I wanna fill you in on now after this one but unsure if itd be considered a spoiler. Its essentially an inconsequential element that doesn't lead to anything that i spent too much time thinking about. You didn't mention anything about it this time but I had to ask a manga reader after I finished everything and was just like "Damn why did i read into it so much" lol. Your choice Alex if you wanna hear it.


Congratulations on 200 patrons!!! And thank you for ep 8! It was a nice surprise. That aggressive eating in the episode though, so cringe, hahah!


Heyyy thanks for the surprise ! And to complete the end of the reaction, the anime is very similar to the manga. There is very few differences, that's why both are so good :D

Ivancho Allegro Mundaca

Ok So I couldn't watch this last night, ut I am so HAPPY to just get to watch it. Man. This is as you say a perfect build up to a great season finale. You won't be dissapointed. And above all, you will lose your shit(Sorry for the bad word). We feel betrayed by Rainner and Bertlhod(Or however his name's spelled), and you will know eventually why. This anime is awesome. And your reactions and appreciations are too. Please, give us more. Keep it up, stay safe and... Go Alex GO!!!!!!!