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What are the OVAs I should watch before starting season 2 of Attack on Titan???


Angry Intellect

"Ilse's notebook" for sure. "Distress" is very optional. The two ovas of levi's past are to be watched after season 2 !


These two were released before season 2: Shingeki no Kyojin OVA (Attack on Titan: Ilse’s Journal) Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku (Attack on Titan: No Regrets) Have a nice day.

Angry Intellect

No regrets was indeed released before season 2, but I highly believe it's better to watch it just before starting season 3 ( you probably know why ! )


I'm pretty sure he can watch Levi's OVAs "No regrets part 1/2" Weren't they released like 2 years before season two? Also.. every AOT viewing guide seems to suggest watching them before S2.


Omg this is confusing 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is a complete list according to release date: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-watch-Attack-on-Titan-in-chronological-order

Ahmed Alnajar

sorry to confuse you lol.. but I STRONGLY recommend you watch Ilse's notebook AFTER season two and "No regrets", "Distress" and "visitor" whenever before season three for the best reaction spoiler free... and don't watch the opening to season two until episode 8 or 9. lol I know release date of Ilse's notebook is before season two but it kinda ruins something.. not a spoiler just a shock factor. so just watch it after season two

Angry Intellect

This is the chronological order of release. I don't think it's the best order to do it ! When you watch levi's OVAs before season 2 then it doesn't connect at all with season 2, it's not interesting.


Oh, I completely missed this! I just posted a long-winded comment on your ep 25 reaction, haha! Just to reiterate... I highly suggest you watch OVA 1: Ilse's Notebook just after episode 4 of season 2; OVAs 4 & 5: A Choice with No Regrets: Parts One and Two before season 3 (just after the end of season 2 is best, I think); and OVAs 6 & 7: (Lost Girls) Wall Sina, Goodbye: Parts One and Two after episode 52 (third episode of season 3 part 2) because of spoilers.

Ahmed Alnajar

I agree, watching it after episode 4 might disrupt the flow of events. Which is why I recommended watching it after season 2. And he HAS TO listen to the opening song, but I don't think he should watch it until mid season 😅

Cristiano Sousa

Ok, I see a lot of disagreement in the comments, so I'll try to contribute to this discussion: Ilse's Notebook is an OVA that gives context to some events of season 2. Some people believe having this context could change your reactions to season 2 in a hurtful way, and some people believe it would be beneficial. There are no spoilers in the OVA, so it's safe to watch whenever. But, during season 2, some characters might very rarely make some comments or references to that OVA. It's up to you if you want to know what they're talking about immediately, or wait to understand it after you're done with the season. Personally, I think it's better to watch it before season 2, but either way is fine.


There is one moment in the OVA that could very likely ruin the experience of a particular revelation (a massive shock for me when I watched it) of season 2. Obviously I can't go into details, but this is the main reason why I think the OVA should be viewed at the end of season 2. Shame there is no private discussion board or the option to redact/hide spoilers from Alex, because it would be easier to fully explain my reason.


you dont have to watch all the OVA's, the TV series is really good and stands on its own, the OVA are bonus.