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''Bite: The 57th exterior scouting mission part 3''



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Oh shit I wasn't expecting to see this pop up so soon, I just finished the last one. This one was a rough episode


I filmed episode 20 also so expect another one soon 🤣🤣🤣



Ivancho Allegro Mundaca

Oh man. Your reactions are awesome. I am enjoying this a lot and the next season comes out this december. I don't think that you will be able to get to the last season before that, but I know you will enjoy it. Thank you for reacting to this serie. I really hope you get to see FMA brotherhood some day, becouse I know you will enjoy it as well. And is already over, so you can watch it all along, no new seasons to wait. But I guess only time will tell. Keep it up my friend. Go Alex GO!

Cristiano Sousa

(No spoilers in this comment) Great reactions man. Maybe you shouldn't talk about your theories on youtube, but I'm pretty sure it's safe around here. I think it's very interesting to hear your theories, because then we can silently judge how right or wrong they are, and also see what plot points you have been paying attention to. And don't worry about sounding too crazy with them, in fact, regarding your theory (again, no spoilers) about Annie and the Military Police, a lot of people end up coming with similar theories when watching for the first time. But again, I don't think you should put those theories on youtube, a lot of people watch those videos and some of them might end up commenting things like "no, that's wrong" or "yeah, you got it right", and those kind of comments could end up spoiling some parts of the show for you.

Cristiano Sousa

Is it confirmed it comes out in december? I've had seen a few rumors, but nothing oficial yet. But yeah, if season 4 comes out in december, then he'll need to watch at least 3 episodes per week from now on, and then he might be able to catch up. I fear that if season 4 begins before he finishes season 3, he might get major spoilers, since a lot of people will be talking about it all over the internet.


Oh man.. The adrenaline rush I feel whenever they zoom in on Erwins face, and he yells out "ADVANCE!! or FIRE!!" 😬 Just makes me want to throw my whole TV out the window.. Him and Levi are just so damn badass. Can't wait for you to see the OVAs. Some of my favorites 💪🏻

Ahmed Alnajar

Yeah Erwin planned it from the beginning by sharing too much information during the graduation ceremony to flush out a Titan during the expedition. If u remember how Armin was surprised of how much information he was sharing. During the expedition he didn't go straight to Shiganshina instead he headed towards the forest of giant trees (even Jean was surprised) to trap the titan that was flushed out just like he predicted. anyways nice reactions ;)