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Both, excellent episodes and reactions.


This is why I love this show, and why Jerry is one of the best characters ever 🙌 Rick is the smartest man in the universe, and Jerry is by far the dumbest. I mean the dude was living in a pretty obvious simulation for quite a while.. people glitching out all over the place, his wife frozen in time while he's having sex with her 🤨 Him picking up a remote that doesn't look at all like the usual TV remote, which I'm sure he's used a 1000 times , and STILL pressing a random button, is just typical Jerry 🤷‍♂️ The scene is absolutely heartbreaking, and the fact that they can put you through such an emotional rollercoaster in under 5 minutes, is just brilliant writing. Also really appreciate the double drop again ✌

Ivancho Allegro Mundaca

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alive_(1993_film)#:~:text=Alive%20is%20a%201993%20American,mountains%20on%20October%2013%2C%201972. That's for the movie, it's called "Alive" and it hits me close, because it happened in my country. This is a GREAT episode, and YES they told a story without any dialogue in it, so we are sure they have great writters. Great reaction as always man. I am still in love with your reactions, and God knows I know a lot of reactors, but you man. Yoou take all the "reactor juice" and make me have a run for my money. Thank you for sharing this with us, and thank you for not having a flter on this episode again. I hope you can do that again with the last episode of the season. Sheers my friend. Go Alex GO!


Alex, once you have an opening in your schedule and waiting for season 5, may I suggest starting an older series of something like Firefly? I'd love to see your reaction to that gem.

Jai Nelson

This episode has to be Rick at his most petty, and most ruthless. Not only did he melt all those Mortys, he literally destroyed a bunch of universes just to prove a point. Such a crazy character.


Fun fact the reason there is that "Alive" sequence is because they needed to fill in that much time for the episode and that's what the director of the episode came up with.