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Hi all. I do hope you don't mind me taking a break now that the 4 year long project that was Poison Apple. I'm taking the time to sort out life stuff and just take it easy!

I'm also taking time to think about what I'm going to do next. I'm sure a lot of you are expecting more pony stuff, but honestly after 4 years of it I'd like to move on to something else and maybe return to it at a later date.

So, what's next? I'm leaning toward a CYOA, where you could help design the protagonist and choose what they do. However, the more I think about people wanting stuff I'm not comfortable drawing, the less I'm interested in that idea. So I'm unsure what to do! Maybe I'll reintroduce reward tiers for a little bit while I come up with a new project idea. Let me know what you think!

In the mean time, I'm sure there's a few people outside of this wanting me to open regular commissions. I'm afraid that's not in the books, and I have no intention of opening outside of Patreon.

Have yourselves a good day and keep being awesome,



Joseph Bark

Honestly I'm excited to see whatever you plan on doing. I don't blame ya for being rather burned out involving pony stuff, especially with G4 being... well 4 years retired as well. I'll always have my vote for more pony shenanigans sometime in the future but for now, honestly you do as you desire to do.

Darqfang of the Eternal Night

Do what you need to do. Sort yourself out. Try a new thing. Just don't super burn yourself out.


Take your time its important to learn new thing and rest as well its important to relax your brain.

Pepper Brookside

Take all the time you need, no rush. I wouldn’t mind at all if you moved away from ponies, since your MLP media I’ve really cared about in years. The CYOA idea sounds pretty fun, but I’m good with whatever you prefer.


Wait, what’s CYOA?


Choose your own adventure books are some of my fave stories. Truth be told I wish I still had a few from when i was a kid. I still cannot find some ofnthem!


I think an elegant solution is to come up with a list of projects you wanna do next and then have your audience pick their favorite via a poll. That way you can get input from your audience without them asking for things you don't want. :)


I personally don't want a CYOA because not only does it encourage people to ask for things you might not want, but the story and design end up feeling incohesive due to the design-by-committee-ness at every stage of the project. Everyone's pulling in different directions and no one is truly satisfied with it. In my experience, having the audience participate in such an influential way is ultimately detrimental to the project.


I for one am excited to see what you produce outside of MLP themed stuff! You are hands down the best artist I have encountered for portraying that which is alluring about vore, and I'd love to see what you come up with: audiences typically don't know as much as they think they do, so I say go with your instincts as an artist- I'll be staying unless we go to some offputting places.