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I hope you appreciate the effort I put into that establishing shot.


Here we go! Twilight's chapter. I hope you enjoy what's coming up, and aren't too disappointed by the ending when it gets here. It's important to remember that this is an endo comic, so the prey is going to be saved, it's just a matter of how which I need to figure out.

If you want your OC to be included, this is the last chance to enter them. Remember, your OC needs to be able to fit in as a Ponyville citizen. So something that'd work well as a background pony, nothing too colourful or complex, and ponies only please! Keep that in mind when you DM me your OCs.

In the mean time, I hope you enjoy what's coming by!

Stay wonderful,





oh boy I can't wait for Twilight stuff :D


and here we go. The feast to end all feasts!