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Hi guys.

Just as the title says, you have 5 days to get your reward prompts to me.

10 of you have yet to tell me what you'd like. 2 of you are in higher tiers. Please don't waste your money by not telling me what you'd like. One of you still hasn't switched from a defunct tier!

I promise you I'm not a scary person! If you want a drawing from me, you must tell me before the 21st, because I stop taking prompts after that date.

Okay you keep talking about this deadline. Why is there even a deadline to begin with? - There's a couple of reasons behind the deadline. First, it's to ensure I have enough time to complete the rewards I've already received prompts for.  Second, it's also to make sure I have time to relax between months. It's quite stressful to draw upwards of 50 pictures a month!
What if I miss the deadline? - If you miss the deadline, you don't get a drawing. I have to assume you just want to support me at your tier without a reward.
But... but I wanted a drawing. -  Every month, you get 21 days to tell me what you want. And honestly, I'm pretty pushy as it is about trying to find out what you'd like! It's your responsibility to tell me what you want.
Can I go without a reward? -  Yes, if you prefer not to have a reward, feel free to let me know that you don't want anything for the month. However, you are taking up a commission slot that someone else could be using. If you'd like to pledge money in support without getting a reward, I recommend the WaterPail and WaterPail+ tiers.
I'm not going to tell you anything anyway. - Please don't be like that. I hate assuming things, and would much rather be in the know. Contact me as soon as you can with details about what you'd like.

That should be everything. If you'd like to ask me anything, hit me up via DMs here or on Discord. What I'd love to hear the most, however, is what you'd like me to draw for you.

I hope to hear from you soon,



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