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Hi there!

December is a very special month, as we all know. It's the holiday season! And as such, we all have loved ones and/or plans we've made that we'd like to do over the season. That includes me!

So, to ensure that I have time off to spend time with my family, I am not going to be working on rewards between the 18th and 26th of December.

This means, if you'd like me to draw your reward before Christmas, I need your request by the 18th. Any requests sent to me after then will be ignored until after Christmas.

As always, the main deadline is the 21st. If you don't get your request to me by then, I'll assume you don't want a reward and will also assume your pledge is you just wanting to support me.

As of typing this up, 13 of you have yet to get your reward request to me. Please keep this new deadline in mind, and get your request to me either though DMs here or DMs on Discord.

All the best, hope you have a fantastic holiday!



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