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I have made some adjustments to your reward tiers - you now have more choice!

WaterPails and JuiceBoxes have the same rewards as previously, but now ColaGlass and above have been given a boost! You can now choose between rewards:

ColaGlass: All current rewards plus a choice between simple coloured sketch and simple lineart.

TeaBucket: All current rewards plus a choice between a detailed coloured coloured sketch, regular lineart, or a simple flat coloured image.

CoffeeCastle: All current rewards plus a choice between detailed lineart, regular flats, and a simple celshaded image. 

EnergyLoader: All current rewards plus a choice between a single comic page of coloured sketched panels, a single comic page of lined panels, or a detailed celshaded image.

MeadSitula: All current rewards plus a choice between two comic pages of coloured sketched panels, two comic pages of lined panels, or a single comic page of celshaded panels. 

What's the difference between simple, regular, and detailed? - Backdrops and props! Simple images will have no backdrop and minimal props, regular images will have simple backdrops and more props for decorating the scene, and detailed images will have more complex backdrops and as many props as the scene will need.

Wait, I've seen previous rewards that contradict the new choices! What gives? - I'm constantly thinking about if I'm going to have enough time to provide your rewards, as such I'm adjusting the way I work to be able to accommodate you all. This means there will be slight changes in what I can provide - I hope this makes sense.

I can't decide what I'd like. Can't I just give you my money without a reward? - ...Why would you want that? Well, I'm not one to argue. If you'd prefer to forgo your reward, that's entirely up to you. Just let me know at the start of the month so that I don't stress out later that I didn't draw you anything! Though I prefer to give you something in return for your support.

Speaking of, thank you all so much for your support, you mean the world to me!



Ooo choices.