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It's May! That means new rewards! Be sure to send me a DM either here or on Discord with your prompt for what you'd like - and be clear with what that prompt is! To make this easier for everyone, I'll be setting up a form for reward tier patrons to fill out, which I will link to at the start of each month. That'll start from next month - so expect to start filling out a super simple submission form from June!

In the mean time, here's your usual reminder that all submissions must be in my inbox either here or on Discord by the end of the 21st GMT, else you will not get a reward. This is to ensure I have enough time to complete the rewards I have been asked to draw. If I don't hear from you, I will just assume you don't want anything and just want to financially support me at that tier.

In the mean time, previous posts still ring true! Read this post and this post for ideas and important things to know before sending me your prompt. Also be sure to read the Will/Won't Draw List for more info.

Also also, I have added extra reward slots for JuiceBox, ColaGlass, and TeaBucket tiers! The TeaBucket tier is already full, but the others still have slots available. If you'd like some art, be sure to join!

Stay safe and awesome,



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