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  • [PublicVersion]VN AnimationSlice.mp4



[Pong, pong... The quiet night was interrupted by the guy sneaking into the room, his violent heartbeat even surpassed the loud snoring from the rhino mercenary.]

Merchant: Phew... Damn! He won’t be woken up by my heartbeat, right... Phew, he won’t hear it. Phew... I’ve been observing him for these days, he won’t wake up for even the loudest noise. Phew...

[The merchant, while taking deep breath one after another, constantly spoke to himself in his mind to ease his frustration. He could finally hear the mumbling coming from the mercenary.]

Rynox: Oh, lady... Be my wife, you will be high after that...

Merchant: Humf! With that grumpy face all the time, it’s a wonder any girl will find you appealing!

[The rhino’s groin quickly swelled, perhaps the lady in his dream responded to his invitation.]

Merchant: To make it worse, they are bound to scream a lot before you could get the high. You are lucky I’m here to cut that!

Rynox: Zzzz... Gimme that, girl... I’ll make you comfy...

Merchant: ... Sure, sure, big guy. Just don’t ever wake up.

[The merchant put his paws on the rhino’s chest, pressing it slightly and lets go immediately.]


Merchant:... Fuck! If he wakes up, just tell him I want to tell him an urgent matter!

[With the excuse coming up, his gut gradually got bigger, paws rubbing on those chest again.]

Merchant: No sign of waking up... Should be fine if I do a little...

[Both paws each grabbed one side of the muscular chest, movement getting bolder and bolder. His lips even reached the rhino’s mouth, carefully inhaling the scent from him.]

Rynox: Zzzz... Your skin’s so soft, my girl... Zzzz...

[The merchant stopped his paws when the rhino rumbles in his dream, and then increased his force as if to respond.]

Merchant: No shit! An educated merchant like me don’t even know how to swear before bastard like you scare me!

Merchant: Phew... Even that won’t wake him up. I should be able to go on...

Merchant: I’ll just say I slipped on him!

[The merchant bent down and stick out his tongue, starts licking the mercenary’s abs. At first sticking to one small area, seeing no sign of breaking the rhino’s sleep, his tongue licked all the way to the chest along the abs.]

Rynox: My cock... Do it on my cock...

Merchant: ...Well, you asked for it.

[The merchant’s paws reached towards the groin, but dared not to touch the meat directly, only rubbing the thigh back and forth.]

Rynox: My cock...

Merchant: Fuck! Even a prostitute wouldn’t be this urging! Damn, aren’t all mercenaries and prostitutes paid to work? In that logic, with enough commission, what can stop him doing my request!

[As soon as the merchant thought about giving commission, he immediately gained enough courage and carefully put off the rhino’s undergarment.]

Merchant: Wow...

[The huge cock, exposed under the moonlight, got stimulated by the chilling wind and began to throbbed slightly. Both of the merchant’s paws rubbed on this fantastic meat uncontrollably.]

Rynox: Nice ass you’ve got, girl...

Merchant: That’s more than enough already? Really a shitty man no one gives fucks to.

Merchant: Haa... The musky scent is too strong. Lucky you, big guy. I’ll let you feel a real ass.

[The strong scent quickly destroyed the merchant’s sanity. With no holding back, he swiftly sat on the rhino’s body, ass closely attached to the meaty penis.]

Merchant: Damn, it’s so big... Such a waste on this mercenary nobody wants, and I had to be so sneaky like a thief.

[Preventing any wild movement, the merchant carefully set his paws on the rhino’s chest to support himself, trying his best to make his butthole relaxed, and then forced himself to sit down.]

Merchant: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My hole is already splitting! What a slut I am, needing that dick to be myself.

[The merchant scolded himself in his mind, at the same time consuming the whole cock into his body. He only got a little relaxed after his ass touches the rhino’s body, but didn’t dare to move any more.]

Merchant: Haa... Haaa... So huge... I’m out of excuse at this point, already fully in...

Rynox: My girl...

[The merchant was surprised by the mercenary’s pleasant face, which had only been seen expressing a dull and straight face in the day.]

Merchant: ...Yes, my big guy.

[The merchant’s eyes were still locked on his face, and his body began to move spontaneously.]

[The mercenary’s eyes kept shut, but the snoring was now mixed with panting.]

Merchant: Now you get comfy, yeah? My ass is the best, free for you tonight. Such a bargain...

[The snoring told the merchant he is safe for now, making him relaxed a lot.]

[With that rock out of his mind, the almost-leaking pleasure quickly swelled and conquered his mind.]

[His ass paced up on moving along the penis, and the movement was getting ever so violent.]

Merchant: Fuck that girl! Just have me instead!

[The merchant let go off his lust, the even-hardening meat in his body was seemingly breaking his intestines.]

[Suddenly, the burning hot cum began to clash along his inner-flesh.]

Merchant: Ah!

[The merchant failed to keep his voice because of the warmth. He tensed up his whole body and closed his eyes in an attempt to surpass the pleasure, which had been edging him teasingly.]

[The mercenary opened his shut eyes after cumming for a little while.]


[The mercenary fixed his eyes on the merchant sitting on his body, whose penis was splashing out cum to him. Even a person with excessive experience failed to react.]

[The pleasure eventually began to fade away, and the merchant opened his eyes, only to see the rhino dully looking at him.]

[In an instant, the merchant ceased his movement, but the meat in his body still throbbed inside him from time to time.]

[Both of them froze for a while, until the mercenary’s expression returned back to normal, ready to burst out anger.]

Rynox: ... You...

Merchant: Being raped is counted an accident for mercenaries! I, I’ll double the commission!

[The mercenary silently looked at the merchant, but did not land his paw on him, who is still comforting his penis with his throbbing inner-flesh. ]

Rynox: ...Every time.

[The rhino pushed up his groin while talking.]

Merchant: Well... Deal!




so... is this the demo for the new animation? You guys really skipped one XD