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08.05 EDT-05:00[The 3th CG unplayable bug has been fixed]


+Hell Difficulty was implemented, along with a new Hell difficulty animation and a new gallery animation

The next update will be aviliable on 09.05, we'll be bringing the long-awaited V0.0.5 (or V0.1.0, if we think that's about time) to you guys

Welcome to Discord 

We collected suggestions from players, and did a lot of debugging and tuning in V0.0.45, see the bug Fix list for details

Once you have played the level to gain any score, the gallery in PatreonBuild game can be unlocked. Feel free to enjoy the animation and use your mouse to tickle the sexy beasts.

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+The 3th CG unplayable bug has been fixed after you see this message


second song's position is adjusted (not sure if better) but wolf's dick now appears behind and through cat on first thrust and sometimes between loop of animation.


ah, apologize, this is only happening in the viewer for v02, not during a song. also sabretooth can't get pants back on in v01.