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Electric toothbrushes and combs between the toes and under the stems of them.


New tickle tools - metal fork, makeup brush...


I like the facedown videos and when toeties are used.


More on facedown and maybe with other tools.. but you need models really ticklish.. you choice only beautiful models but they are not really ticklish


Great work so far, I would keep up with the face down on the bed videos. Would love to see a toothbrush be used as a tickle tool


I really like the act of a girl in pajamas tickling the soles of her feet.


You need to a spreadeagle tickling series where the girls are tied up on the bed face up and then face down in an X position and gang-tickled by other girls


Much more hardcore tickling, strict wrapped on tables, cargo strapped down, blindolfed and soles oiled and tickled to death. Its a bit boring seeing the same stuff over and over.


Showing a girl's reaction as she feels her socks being taken off before the tickling. Mixture of anticipation and dread! Example: TT Ep. 4. No toe-ties...let's see those beautiful tootsies squirm!


I agree. More face down tickles with more ticklish models


I think much more hardcore is the answer, toeties, oil, tickled hard facedown with brushes. Maybe even a blindfold or gag every once in a while. Loving it though!