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Starting this project will indeed take a while and a lot of resources. I just wanted to gauge everyone's interest before I commit a lot of my time and money to this project. Should I start building my way to this renfaire project? Or just play it safe with the mummy wrap videos? 

I definitely want to do this in the future, don't worry it will be done, but I was wondering if it was too soon? Let me know. Thanks for your support :) 

(Edit: If I start now, I hope to begin filming in May or the latest is Summer.) 



I think this project is worth looking at with a bit more warmer weather in mind. Winter is winter in most parts of Canada and United States so if those are the places you are aiming to film I’d consider that and stick with the warm and cozy forms of torment in the meantime 🤷🏿‍♂️😊


If I start preparing now, contacting people, building and designing the stocks, applying at renfaire's then the earliest is probably May or July hopefully.


thats a very smart approach. i hope you find the talent. id consider contacting someone like the great kujman from fetlife. he is an all time pro at the subject.




Will it be a separate tier?