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AH HERE IT ISSS!!! Aira and I have been working on this since July?? I'm so happy we can finally share our Enho labor of love with you guys!!👀

This is Aira's beautiful gorgeous lineart that I've colored, honestly can't explain how much I loved coloring her beautiful art and honestly working with her is a delight cuz she's absolutely precious😭💕💕💕  

My lineart and her gorgeous coloring can be seen on her patreon so you better sub to her👁️👁️

Give her some love on her twit too🥰



Ash 🍁 Fall

omgggg this is soo BEAUTIFUL 🤩😍🤩 Wow I am blown away - Aira’s always done such smooth and incredible lineart and that combined with your colors and rendering is tOO POWERFUL omggggg I just - can’t stop gawking stop this. The wings, the hair, the expressions, that pOSITION KXKAKF 👁🫦👁 Just wowowow I am floored, y’all did such an incredible job 👏🏼 amazing work you two!! 🥺 thank you soo much for sharing this expression your love of them with us 🤲🏼

Peter Shaw

Sasha 💖 loving your treatment of Aira's lines here... (it would actually be interesting to see how each of you would have colored your own pieces just to see the nuances of difference) YOUR use of shadow here really adds some definite *weight* to that bulge resting on Keigo's chest there! (and he's loving it! 😂) Aira! 🔥 adoring Hawks' adoring look up at his man... i know (?) it wasn't drawn that way, but i can absolutely see this as a scene in the future of your fic... a date night after these two idiots have finally admitted to their feelings... Enji still being his grumpy self at Keigo's enthusiasm...