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Day 15 - Cucking / Restraints(magical ones wooo) - BkDk + Kacchan

I loved this concept so much, but this took a bit too much time, because I kept editing the pose and I kept not liking it, I've added the other lineart I was working on and then I decided to edit it!

Also unfortunately this is the last Kinktober entry for now and I have to tap out...I'm very sorry and I feel very bad for doing it, because I really thought I could finish this years list as the month goes, and reading people's comments of how excited they were made me happy and motivated!! But this year's been a lot and this month was even worse, I had to deal with some stuff that absolutely emotionally drained me and I don't think I can continue with the challenge, I just need to rest.

Apart from much needed rest, I also didn't feel too happy with some entries(just some mistakes that irked me, no matter how much I've been fixing the pic) that I've been putting up and I felt like I was just rushing to finish the challenge, which made me feel bad about the quality of my art, so it just added to my emotional and physical exhaustion.

But, I am not abandoning my list, I still want to finish it, but without rushing and the pressure, as always finished pics will be posted for patron first<3

Also I want to make some nice patreon exclusive Halloween pics! I will post a suggestions post later today, because I have my own ideas for a poll, but I would like to hear some of your suggestions for spooky lewd  pics<3




Please take a well deserved rest!! You deserve it with all the hard work you're putting out there!!❤️❤️❤️


LOVE THIS!! And take your time to rest! ❤️


There was a comic that circled for a while a year ago or so of bakugo breaking free of shinsou mind control out of pure rage and I'm imagining that happening here but its out of jealousy and the two bakugos just end up double teaming him


Take your time to rest up and care for yourself! LOVE this piece! 💚


You take your rest and take care of yourself! This time is draining enough... I will patiently wait for the rest of the entries! I loved last year's Kinktober, but this year is even better ❤

cap !!

thank you for the wonderful work you’ve put out !!!! take time for yourself and rest :)


Mental health should always come first! I love your art so much, but I personally I don't want it if you're having an awful time making it. You should be super proud of what you have delivered!!! ❤


This is beautiful Sasha! 💖 Please rest up and look after yourself, the last thing any of us want is for you to push yourself too hard and burn out 💕 take all the time you need, sending you hugs and all my best vibes~


Also YES rest please! You've done amazing so plz take care of yourself!! If you need anything u know where to find me!! 💖💖💖💖 Also spooky lewds? 👀 How bout vampire Deku biting and sucking Kacchan's thigh 👀👀👀 (and eventually his dick if he can keep it up after the blood loss LMAO)


WHERE S THE REST OF MY COMMENT This pic cured my ailments and I love this 👀👀💖💖💖


This is such a TASTY concept 🤩🤤 But please take care of yourself!! I’m excited to see the “rest of the list” whenever you get to it but please don’t feel you have to rush to do it in one month!! 💕


We admire you no matter what! Take a rest, take a deep breath and get back to us when you feel good 😌 lots of hugs 🤗 🤗


I love your art and it’s sad to hear that but first, you have to take care of yourself, take a rest and we will waiting for you ❤️


This is SO hot wow! I really love this piece you did such an amazing job! The expressions have a lot of emotion in them you really nailed it. Also take the time you need! I know how hard it can be to get art out sometimes. Rest is important!


Please do not apologize! Inktobers that are full color illustrations is A LOT of work! You made excellent progress and each one looked beautiful!! If you need to take a break then no worries, this was a lot of fun but your health is most important! On a personal note, I'm super excited for Halloween illustrations. Never forget that you are awesome!!


Omg omg omg👌🏽😭😭😭


This and every other piece you’ve put out so far have been AMAZING—I love all of them, seriously. But you deserve whatever break you need though, so don’t be sorry! We’ll all still be here when you’re ready💕💕


dude 15 days is already SO MUCH I think you did amazing and if you want to take your time for the rest that’s fine? you’re still spoiling us with your art so really I got nothing to complain about! also this piece? that’s hot as fuck 👌


You deserve to rest. Take care of yourself always 🥰


Take time for you! We'll be here!


i think it’s very admirable that you want to make sure your art is good quality and doesn’t looked rushed! and your determination to finish the list (even if it takes longer than anticipated) is inspirational! i don’t think anyone would have blamed you if you HAD abandoned it, we all want you to take care of yourself 💖 (also this art is super hot, baku cucking HIMSELF is so galaxy-brained lol)

Oh Lila

Your art is amazing and sharing so much with us in such a short amount of time is truly awesome. I enjoyed every pieces you shared. Thank you so much for your work. Take care !


Thank you so much for all the great art you shared with us this month! It's amazing that you did it for the second year in a row, so it's only natural that you feel exhausted and taking breaks is important. Especially since you ended up coloring a lot of pieces that were supposed to be sketches or just with minimal color accents. Sure art is your profession but it shouldn't become a chore or burden. And I'm sure no one will complain when kinktober gets extended to the end of this year 😉


take all the time you need for yourself! i love your art so much and i am always happy to see more, but i would rather you also be happy with what you do. and that just means extended kinktober for the rest of us!


Take care of yourself, Love. You've earned it. Also, your art is amazing. I haven't seen a single flaw what so ever and have enjoyed every picture. This one, is FREAKING FANTASTIC!! I would LOVE to know the story behind it. 💘💘💘


I am absolutely over the moon with this piece! (And every other kinktober piece you've done thus far!) ♥


Also I'm a baby and I don't know how Patreon comments work, and I wasn't done, I just enthusiastically hit enter. Please go easy on yourself and take as much time as you need! Your emotional well being always takes priority, and we'll all be waiting for you after you've had some time to rest!


Do what you need to do to make art enjoyable, I can understand how stressful it feels to put out new art every single day for a whole month when you put as much detail into as you do!! Take care and I am so excited to see more art from you no matter how long it takes💖💖 this piece is amazing and I love Katsuki getting cucked by his fantasy AU self🤤❤️


Rest up Nips!! It’s not good to force yourself, so just focus on what you need to focus on to feel in a better place. We’ll be here for you as well, no rush! Hmm... Ghost’s pottery scene but lewd 😳


Thank you so much for all the kinktober pieces 🙏🙏 This has to be my favorite one!! Please take care and get some much needed rest 🥰🥰 Self care is very important!!

Peter Shaw

as always, taking time for *you* is important... do it! also... love Barbarian Katsuki's little smirk (in the sketch) at his alternate self as he defiles a very willing Deku... and canon Kacchan's frustration that his other self is getting to do something for the first time that it turns out Deku would've been willing to do *loooooong* ago is so delicious... Barbarian Bakugou is like... "you snooze, you lose"

Peter Shaw

part of canon Kacchan is also thinking: "hey, i look pretty damn good with eyeliner..." :D


That's a sexy Bakugo in the bottom of the image. Tanks just make boys hotter. Also totally take your time. Kinkember is totally a thing and it's awesome that it works for November and December. Your art should make you happy too, not just us. So make sure you're finding your joy in it and if it's not, take a break and try something else for a while. When you like what you're doing, it comes across to us fans and it adds even more joy. Nothing worse than trying to enjoy art when we know it's absolutely not bringing the creator joy too.


Thank you!!😭💕 I had fun working on last year's entries, i guess i over did it with the coloring, but oh well! I will definitely try to finish the list through out the year!


Thank you!! I will rest and try to look at my entries with a clear mind, maybe I'll start liking those that i wasn't happy with, in the end i was doing this challenge for fun 😔 and when it stopped being fun it's time to stop


Thank you so much! 😭💕💕 I'll just rest and sleep and watch some spooky movies to recharge, i really thought i could push through but oh well 😔 more fun pics to come tho!!


I will!! Thank you Kiwi 🥺💕💕 also this vampire deku idea!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH especially the dick biting, it's hot and silly at the same time 👀 I'm adding it to the poll!! If it doesn't win i wanna doodle it at least


Thank you so much!! 😭💕 I will do my best to complete it soon ish! It's only 16 pics left! And all those concepts and kinks are so good, I can't just leave them!


Thank you so much! 😭💕 I will rest plenty and then will draw a bunch of new art as well!!


Thank you so much!! 😭💕 I've slept more today and just been playing with my cats ahah just enjoying my free time now!


Thank you!!🥺💕💕 Yeah i over did it a bit colored pics and it drained me faster 😂 but oh well! But I'm more excited to work on halloween pics!!


Thank you so much Syb 😭💕 i was hoping i can finish thr challenge, but oh well... eventually! I just wanna work on other pics for now🥺 Thank you!! I just love fantasy kacchan!! And i love his design and drawing him, so i might expand on this concept a bit more 👀👀


Thank you so much!! 😭💕💕 It just made me unhappy and made me feel guilty that I'm rushing and the art quality is dropping...so i think it's best to just pace myself! Besides i couldn't abandon the list, the final daya have exciting kinks that i wanted to draw!! Also kacchan fighting kacchan for deku's attention is always my fav thing 👀 next time might include prototype kacchan!!


Ashy thank you so much 😭💕💕 yeah i think i bit off more than i could chew and my kinktober prep time was eaten up by the pinup calendar entries...but oh well, kinktober will get extended a bit through the year to add some more kinky art 👀


Thank you!😭💕💕💕 It definitely started to feel like a chore instead of a fun challenge...so i will just rest and finish it eventually! Slow and steady wins the race


Thank you!! I will definitely rest!!💕💕 I do love the concept for this pic! Maybe i can use it for a comic later on 👀 or draw more pics?? But in the future!!


Leo thank you so much!! 😭💕💕💕💕 I will definitely rest and just draw slowly! I just wanna have fun and i want other's to enjoy my art too!


Thank you so much!! 😭💕💕 Yeah when jt stops being fun, that's the main issue... Thank you!! I love this concept it's just to see kacchan try to one up himself 👀


Thank you!! 🥺💕💕 I will make sure to make other pieces as good if not better!!


Thank you so much!! 🥺💕💕 Yesss!! That was exactly the idea 👀 i did like the smirk, but the hidden smirk is also good i think? We just see his intense gaze and our canon kacchan being frustrated ahaha 😂


Thank you so much! 😭💕💕 Yeah I'll just extend kinktober to other months! Will be a kinkyear list 😂 up to summer ahah, i just wanna have fun drawing and it started to feel like a chore, so it was affecting me a lot... slowly finishing the list will be fun, so I'm still excited to work on the remaining days!🥰


I'll YELL😳😳 I'm a "suck"er for vampires!! 😂😂


The movie ‘Ghost’ has a famous pottery scene that I’m pretty sure is meant to be extremely suggestive 😳 Imagine making pottery with a pottery wheel in front of you and getting played from behind by an attractive ghost 👻


BRAH THIS IS SO FUNNY I LOVE IT SO MUCH I love shenanigans and this is SEXY shenanigans?! beautiful


also sasha, as I always say, blease go to sleep!!! The stuff you’re doing is phenomenal, thank you for your good work, but your well-being is 2000% hella important!! thank you for this wonderful stuff as well 💕💕


AU!Bakugou's eyes are just, wow! Wow!! You can absolutely see the intent and knowledge in them and the way the enchanted bindings reflect off Bakugou's skin are such a good and thoughtful touch, but I have to say the way Izuku's skin is just flushed crimson all over really is the pièce de résistance of it all. You absolutely know he's a kinky minx now and despite Bakugou's obvious displeasure, you can just tell Izuku's going to let his own dictate what happens next. I have no doubt that AU!Bakugou absolutely intends to wreck Izuku just as I am absolutely sure Izuku will helplessly and happily drown in that pleasure. Your work is as absolutely stunning in its nuance and imagery as always! And I know this is terribly late and perhaps no longer warranted, but I hope you were able to rest and relax during your break. You work so hard and I really must emphasize that it is so massively appreciated. I won't presume to say you should disregard your sense of duty to us, but please always remember that your health is worth so much more and that it is never a disservice to take the time you need to rest and recuperate. I hope you are doing well and thriving as you are these days! Thank you for everything!


This is honestly my favorite piece you've ever done, everything about it is just so amazing 🥺