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And here is this month's NSFW pic <3 This was very fun to draw! I had to edit the pose a bit to fit the proportions and all, but in the end I'm very happy how turned out :'3

Please enjoy some extra versions: naked, hero costume and towels(one of which I'll post to twit) some come and body hair versions too:3

Also I decided to work on my cell shaded coloring a bit!

Btw no stream tomorrow, I wanna rest a bit and plan out August art!

Have a nice weekend <3




Oh damn 👁 👄 👁 fucking gorgeous


AAAA all of these are amazing!!! The hero suit one GOT ME THO 😩👌💕💕💕 that smudged eyeblack always does it for me 😂❤️❤️ also LOVE kiris hair like that always!!!!!


It's one of my favs Kiwi!! The smudges eyeshadow is just 😩👌💦💦


ALSO get that rest! We'll see u soon! ❤️❤️❤️


Omg omg omg 😆🥰 I just adore Kiri’s look like he’s opening a present 😙!! Yes please rest up this is so beautiful!!


Ho...holy shit... I am utterly blown away by how amazing all of these are jfc 💖 I AM SO WEAK FOR THESE THREE, NIPS 👀👀💕 Baku's eyeliner smudges, Kiri's undercut and ponytail, Deku's stirrup stockings, ffffffuck I'm gonna be staring at all of these for a damn long while


To no one's surprise I love the cum+hairy version the most 😌 Also I'm so in love with your adult Kiri 💗


you are my favorite artist 💛 this is very lovely artwork 🥺


Ohhhh the hero outfit ones hit so good, and this position is /everything/. I’ve died and gone to heaven 🥴👀


hot damn these are all so amazing!! You never, ever fail to make something delicious, you know?? and I think this every time but your grasp on anatomy and posing is just 😍😍👌👌 no matter what I know what you make is going to be on point, gorgeous, and just *chef's kiss*. Thank you for all your work and effort because damn who can keep track of all those soft little details, but you do!! It's magical!!


Thank you!! ☺️💕💕 Had to add all the horny things in there!!


Nips you are amazing, thank you for the food. These are absolutely gorgeous!!


AAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 💕💕💕 It makes me so happy that you are looking over at all the details, makes me want to work even harder 😭💕💕


OH MY GOD THESE ARE INCREDIBLE🥴🤤 the hero outfits one is just. Nut-inducingly hot. There are so many things I love about every picture BUT those stir-up thigh highs... WHEW🥵


OOOH MY GOD SASHA!! This is so AMAZING! I love everything!!!! U did a really a wonderful work on every single piece, so detailed and the expressions are so good!! Thank you for the food!


Holy shit these are hot!!! Great job! I love them.


of course!! that "this is beautiful, I've been staring at this for 5 hours" gif is me everytime you make a new post!! those subtle skin tone shifts, that nuance with how you draw hands and fingers and their grips, those lil freckles you put all over deku and that soft blush on top, i see it!! i love it!! you keep doing your wonderful beautiful work, my eyes will always be filled with stars over it!!


Aaah oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This honestly makes all my efforts feel validated so much! As long as at least one person just takes the time to look at my stuff with such details 😭💕💕 thank you so much!! It really makes me so happy!!


I’m am losing my shit over the hero costume piecessss. The running eye make up is incredibly hot. God then your hairyshima—I could seriously look at him for days. And then all of their faces in the towel pieces? Whew. I’d die for a fic depicting any or all of these. Holy hell do you consistently deliver. Each one of these is gorgeous. Your attention to detail still blows me away every time. You’d think I’d be used to it by now but I’m still just floored each time I get a notification, Christ.


Aaah THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUCH A LOVELY COMMENT 😭💕💕 I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


My all time favorite ship




the way you draw Kiri is my favorite, he is so GORGEOUS 🥰 this whole piece — and all of the variations — is amazing!! all the details and the expressions are incredible and i am OBSESSED 😍🤩

Peter Shaw

oh Gods Arctg... these are all just beautiful! I just love... • The different expressions between the towel pics and the sex pics - Kacchan's wicked little grin, Kiri's deliciously anticipatory lip bite, Deku's nervousness... vs. the sheer enjoyment evident on all 3 faces once they're getting things going... • Kiri's undercut • as always, Deku's freckles! • Kacchan's smudged eye make up • the fluids! (water *and* cum) • the veins on the boys dicks + the fact that Kiri is uncut 😍 also special mention to the fact that Kiri, while hairy, isn't *extremely* so... i almost always don't notice the differences between the "hairy" pics and the others sometimes and have to flick back and forth... it's subtle, but very well done! Just beautiful!

Ash 🍁 Fall

This is sooo delicious


Thank you so much!! ☺️💕💕 I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! I do try to add the hair but in moderation (unless I'll be drawing a hair kink specific pic maybe 🤔) and keep it relatively subtle! Your kind words are very much appreciated ☺️💕💕


This is So Sensual omg~

SybLaTortue (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-02 10:40:12 so many versions! gotta say I'm weak for the ones with hero costume, that's my jam haha also I love the detail of Bakugou having flawlessly smooth skin while the other two are riddled with scars, delicious contrast &lt;3
2020-07-26 20:07:39 so many versions! gotta say I'm weak for the ones with hero costume, that's my jam haha also I love the detail of Bakugou having flawlessly smooth skin while the other two are riddled with scars, delicious contrast <3

so many versions! gotta say I'm weak for the ones with hero costume, that's my jam haha also I love the detail of Bakugou having flawlessly smooth skin while the other two are riddled with scars, delicious contrast <3


Thank you so much Syb!! ☺️💕 I love smooth Bakugo, while other's have scars and wounds👀


Aaahhhh this was a perfect birthday gift to wake up to 😍


I am in love with Kiri’s butt❤️❤️


Holy hell, yes!! THIS IS PERFECT! *Dies*