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Who are these girls? :3c 

Are they planning something evil? >:3c

Happy Halloween everyone! \\ ( > w < )//

Here's a short game for this spooky time.  Hopefully, there are more boobs in this version XD

I want to give a million thanks to PolishGuy, who has helped me write the story!

Well, I hope you guys enjoy the game ^ w ^. 

And, trick or treat? \\(> w <)//

Download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rw6MVBJeCejvKtgO_HA8AITgcx5KN0A8?usp=sharing




Do you know why i get that when i try to open one of your games ? https://gyazo.com/1e7b426c8c6bf4355cec7ae55bdae7ce


Hmm... I don't know much about this, but you can try this: - Go to game folder, do not open the .exe file. Instead, open lib -&gt; windows-i686, then try launching .exe file inside that. - Or try download different version of the game (HalloweenStory-COMPLETED-win.zip or HalloweenStory-COMPLETED-pc.zip) and see if that works.


Amazingly done, thank you.