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 "Hey, hey, HEY!"
"You have been spacing out for a while. Please wake up!"
All I can remember is I don't feel well, so I have to seek help from my friend. But now she's gone, I have to do my job. While checking this woman body, my legs feel weak, causing me to fall back and faint. Hearing the voice waking me up, I get up and continue my work.
"What's the matter, dear? Your face seems so red..."
The woman asks me nicely.
"I'm okay, ma'am. It's just a slight fever."
I lie. There's no way I could let her know the truth.
"Hmm, really? Maybe you should remove your scarf, it could help you feel better."
"It's nothing, there's no need to--"
Unexpectedly, the woman snatched the scarf from my neck. The rope shows up, I covered it with my hand as fast as possible.
"What are you doing? Give me back my scarf!"
"Calm down darling. I'm just trying to help you."
She grabs my wrist and pulls it out forcefully. I try to fight back. But somehow this woman is too strong that I can't do anything.
"Oh, you still wearing this." She smirks, as her hand groping my tits and pinching my nipple. "And there too".
"Ahh~" I let out a small moan as she massaging it through two vibrators.
"What a naughty girl. Did it feel good?" Her other hand slide through my body and go inside my skirt.
"Oh my, this big guy supposed to go in your pussy, not here". She presses the dildo in my backdoor, then grabs it like she's gonna pull it out.
"Don't..." I realize my two hands were released, so I clenched my fist and punch her belly. There's no way I could let the water flow out!
She stepped back. Her wig and glasses fall down, reveal a familiar face. That's a pervert that I have captured before, he crossdressed as a woman. This is my chance, I have to arrest him.
"Kneel down!"
He orders, as my body collapse right after.
I quickly take off my uniform, then look at him and wait for his next order.
"You little bitch. Think you are getting away with it?". He pulled out a switch from his pocket, turning it to the highest level.
"Bzzzzz" The dildo shaking violently, wrecking my inside. I gritted my teeth and tried to hold it back. If I let the water out, my master will be mad.
"Pathetic bitch. Enjoy it as much as you can." he pulled out a chair, sit on it and keep his eyes on my trembling body. Seeing me nearly climax, he puts out an order: "Oh yeah, you can't cum until I say so".
2 hour later.
I want to cum. I want to cum so badly. But this man won't let me cum!
I don't know who he is, why my body betrays my brain and follows his order. But I don't care anymore, all I care is cum!
"Haha, look at yourself, panting and drowning like a bitch in heat." The man puts his phone away, laughs at me. "Poor girl, kneeling for 2 hours must be tired. Tell me what do you want? Do you want to rest, or go catching some criminal?"
"Cum...." I whispered.
"Say it louder, I can't hear anything."
"I want to cum..."
"Beg for it, slut"
"Please, let me cum...sir...."
"No, my girl. Call me master."
"Please let me cum, master! I can't take it anymore!"
"Please, master! I could do anything for your permission!"
"Okay. You can cum now. Let out everything inside."
The pleasure explodes inside my body, as I'm squirting and cumming so hard. The vibrator inside my hole pop out, with water burst out like a breaking dam.
"What a view. Cumming from your asshole, you must be a pervert."
"You have done a good job being a dirty bitch. But it seems like there's some resistance left in your brain."
Suddenly, two women come in and lift my exhausted body.
"Get her into the car. And prepare for a bitch training session."
My eyesight getting blurred out, the last thing I see is those girls face. One is the purple haired before, and one is... my friend!?

First part: fav.me/dcz7p13
