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chapter 2 nearing it's end (in 10 pages) the looming PDF release and translator resources as well as misc. goodies like ultra high resolution .tif image of the cover art (when it is drawn) for printing loom in the near future.

So my fine patrons, tell me if there's anything in particular you would like to see here on patreon from me in the future?




Chapter 3? But in all seriousness, your comic is awesome, and seeing it brought to its conclusion would be more than enough to make me a happy puppy. I'm surprised that you don't have more people throwing money at their screens.


I would love to see sketches or pin-ups. Of course this shouldn't be over the comic, which we can all agree you're making in a fast manner.


I'll second Xahtli's suggestion. Your character style is great and shows lots of emotion. Doing single-character pin-ups in interesting situations would be awesome.