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Keeping this short cuz I gotta head out. 🍂 

But I hope you're all having a lovely weekend <3

Ps. I know cold weather doesn't cause colds. It just messes with my immune system. *sniffles*

Stay cozy! xoxo




Aww, lending you some energy to help cut that cold short, 🙌, take care Skitty, least the ivy is better. Funnily enough, I kindaaa look forward to colds. My voice always goes through, what I like to call, 'second puberty", where I start to lose it and then it gets all low and gravelly so I end up monologuing to myself all day. Anywho, thank you for the ramble and have fun baking with your friend!


Hahaha, you remind me of a friend who goes through a similar thing. Sick voice is sexy deepy voice! 😅


Thank you for the ramble Skitty, make sure you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated, it’s good for recovery. Also, you’re baking cinnamon rolls? Sounds tasty. ^_^


They were very good! Fresh baked goodies always smell amazing. Hope you're having a good weekend, Kino ❤️