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🍻 Correction: Butterbeer is butterscotch and cream soda. I had root beer on my mind during the audio.

I love you all. Thank you for being ever so patient with me. Wish I could hug and pat every one of you! ...with consent, of course. >w<

✦✧ Public Content ✧✦

[WIP] PHub & Reddit: Stop Being Nice, I'm Trying to Eat You! ✒️ u/fluff-cunningham

[WIP] YouTube: Big Bunny Mommy ASMR ✒️ u/fredriting

🐇 Big Bunny Preview:

"Ah~! Where did you come from?! I almost sat on you! My apologies.
You know, you’re in my nest... I didn’t expect to find something so precious like you here.
Are you lost?
Did you stray too far from home?"

[Maybe Shitpost] Gremlin Skitty version of Shia LaBeouf's "JUST DO IT!" >:(

✦✧ Patreon Content ✧✦

[Released*] Insatiable [F4A] [3Dio] [GFE] [No more Pringles] [Still hungy] [Ear nomming] [Licking] [Kisses] mostly [SFW] [Short]

[Released*] r/TIFU Ramble || Skitty Reads & Reacts to First Kiss Fails [18min]

[Maybe more?] The ear licking audio was a little short. If I managed, I'll record another audio this month. Maybe yandere nomnoms?

[Coming soon] Adventures of Peenkun: We went out to touch grass... and dandelions. My poor boy got pollen all over him. I guess our next adventure will be bathtime.

[Coming soon] I had so much fun with the TIFU (Today I fucked up) ramble, I think stories from listeners would be even better! I'll leave a link for story submission below. And if you're all too shy, I'll look for some more Reddit stories. We'll keep it wholesome and light :)

✏️ Tell me your tale: Anonymous submission form

🔞🎨 Art: @nobromaman (I made a very small edit to the art above to keep it SFW)

》*Note: Patreon has audio previews now. For some reason it only works on FireFox for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
》 Too shy to comment or critique? I'll close my eyes...
Feedback for Skitty






Always remember Maslow's hierarchy of needs! Have to take care of your basic existence, physiological needs and safety before you can focus on self fulfillment and love and belonging! Please take care of skitty. She is precious cargo and I promise we will all be patient for you to be ready to audio and play with us when the time is right instead of forcing it when you have other priorities. &lt;3


Half expected you to say "I have another bottle sitting in the fridge... If anyone wants it" lol I like both of those things but haven't tried butterbeer before. In the past week I've been taking afternoon naps or going to bed before midnight. Crazy I know. Feels kinda nice but still can't sleep more than 5 hours at a time.


Listening to Skitty gets my creative juices flowing. (No that kind, naughty Skitty, I bonk). So I give you ALL this free of charge. Yes, free! Aww, it went from "My thoughts on Butterbeer 🍺", to "My unfortunate Butterbeer experience 🍺🤮". Was it something you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy levels of bad? Jokes on you, I'm into that lol. Very first thing that came to my mind when you were saying the mom thing was the overly-long gag from Family Guy. Stewie trying to get Lois's attention by repeating each word roughly 3 times "Lois?", "Mom?", "Mommy?", "Mama?", "Ma?", "Mum?", "Mummy?", then back to "Mama?". Some things to note: (1) I'll take my hug and pat, please and thank you. Even by mail if it has to. (2) Big Bunnygirl is so cuddle-able mainly because of "big, squishy boobs." *[ˢᵏᶦᵗᵗʸ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ʳᵉˡᵃᵗᵉ ᵘⁿᶠᵒʳᵗᵘⁿᵃᵗᵉˡʸ]* but I'm totally fine with that too. (3) Whatever you do for work sounds hectic. I'm all for the "go full time VA" suggestion that has been talked about before, but I'm sure you have your reasons. Do what makes you happy. (4) Here's a hug for you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Uh.. nevermind the kissy face, unless... 😳 I could keep going, but I think that's enough.. for now mwahaha! *If you saw this part, please don't hurt me.. too much (/ω\) P.S. - Take care of yourself please, or else you get the "𝚂̶𝚔̶𝚒̶𝚝̶𝚝̶𝚢̶ Kotaro Headpats You Extra-Hard To Force You Into Healthy Living" treatment. Bye bye ❤️


As much as I love audio, I can't go fulltime. There's irl responsibilities that won't let go of me. Thankful I can still do both :)


Ah a nice post from mommy skitty to end off a stressful day, thank you as always, love you ☺️❤️


You are free to take your time on your work :) if you aren’t in the right headspace then that’s totally understandable &lt;3 I wish you the best in these future and present endeavors :)


I'll take those wished hugs and pats and return 'em back to ya tenfold, &lt;3, you don't have to justify the slow down in content to us Skitty, if IRL stuff is getting in the way then take as long as you need to go kick it's butt, we'll be waiting for ya, ;) Sorry to hear the butterbeer gave you the upset tum tums, wanted to try that stuff myself someday, buut I'll learn from your example and stick with regular beer for now. In regards to the pos Labeouuf audio, If the Navy Seal shitpost is anything to go by I'd say..."JUST DO IT! I REALLY ENJOYED THE NAVY ONE, BUT ONLY IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT, NO PRESSURE!" Take care Skitty, you aint' beholden to anyone, :), now go give the boy a nice warm bubble bath.


I know, I know, each time its brought up its the same response &gt;.&lt; I should have worded it better. And out of all the cringe I said, you picked 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 part to comment on. You wound me Skitty, oof. Hopefully you enjoyed all the other parts though :D


Well, there's three versions of butterbeer: Hot, cold, and frozen. Personally I prefer the frozen, especially for long shifts with Universal. Although if there's another thing I advise staying away from are the character chocolate bars, either they'll be good or you'll regret eating for the next 15 minutes. No in-between.


I tried butterbeer for the first time last week and my brain registered it as root beer 😂


Sorry, butterscotch AND cream soda? I’m impressed, I feel like that would be as pleasant to drink as a pregnant glucose screen drink, blech. Well done!


I feel bad my comments keep disappearing, but I meant to say I was really hyped for the audio^ I can't feel safe or vulnerable much, but I kind of want to try working to make that possible somehow again. I need to feel more since I tend to feel neurotic at points once things feel a bit separate. Not sure how much it's possible right now at all, but I had managed years ago so I'm hopeful. shouldn't be as bad nowadays to break this feeling and deeper fear of people. I'm sorry things have been a bit more rough/busy on your end. I hope you can take care and rest enough regardless.


I think if there's anything Ive learned from Skitty, it's cuddles and sleep are SO IMPORTANT. For us as well as you. Always take care of Skitty. Speaking of... It's bedtime for me!!