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Succubus script word count: 5330

I'm a bit concerned how long my Google Doc is looking, but I think it'll be worth it. u/theycalledhimquiet aka Quiet's succubus mommy is so sweet, I'm willing to look past the crap ton of editing I'll have to do later.

Here's the plan, we're going to have... 

  • SFW for boys and girls. Obviously no mentions of genitals, so it’ll be trans-friendly. Will release on YouTube. Estimated length 25min+
  • NSFW for boys and girls. However, you have a cock or girlcock, so femme version is for transgirls. Apologies to ladies with vaginas, I don't have the mental headspace to do a complete revision for new sex scenes. Will release on Reddit. Estimated length 40min+

I was originally going to keep the NSFW just for boys for the sake of simplicity, but “good boys” were such an integral part of the story, it felt wrong to take them out for a gender neutral YouTube video. As result, I decided to keep “good boys” and added in “good girls” to keep things as close to original script as possible. And since YouTube was going to have two versions, I thought I might as well keep “good girls” for the rest of the script. So yuuup, there’s going to be a lot of splicing.

If you're curious what my creating process is like... well, it's a bit of journey. But to simplify...

  • Find script I like.
  • Decide if I can adapt it for a wider audience.
  • Reach out to writer to see if they're cool with me revising their work.
  • Get approval from writer. Start revision.
  • Bother friends to proofread my revisions. Adapt suggestions.
  • Finalize script. Send revision to writer. Wait for approval.
  • Get approval. Yay!
  • Record audio hopefully in a single take. Pray it's a good take.
  • Edit audio in Audacity.
  • Bother friends to beta-listen audio.
  • Re-edit audio for posting.
  • Depending on platform... draft content's title, tags, and summary. If video, coordinate with artist for thumbnail art if applicable. Photoshop thumbnail and edit video.
  • Hit "Submit", share audio!

Phew. All this can take well over a week depending on the project. 😅

Honestly, huuuge thanks to writers, proofreaders, beta-listeners, artists, and friends who help me behind the scenes. Big hugs to listeners for being so patient. Love you all <3

What my Google Docs will sometimes look like...

The pink is the revision for gendered words. The blue is the revision for the SFW take. I'll record everything in one go and sort out the editing in Audacity. 

What editing hell looks like...

Thankfully, this upcoming succubus edit shouldn't look a bad as the hypnosis audio I did two years ago. "Bewitching a Cutie" had two versions, NSFW and SFW, but was only for boys. The trickiest part was the layered binaural hypnotic echoes and whispers in each ear.

"Succubus" won't have layered echoes unless I'm feeling particularly masochistic, however, it will have four versions since it'll be NSFW/SFW and for boys and girls.

Anywho, I've sent my script edit off to Quiet and once he gives me the ok-go, I'll get to recording!

In the meantime, I will go edit the exclusive for this month... "It's Not Just Tiny, It's Adorable". NSFW squeaked by with a win! I might still do comfy cuddles later, but we'll prioritize naughty first.

Results from Poll...

(The colors are flipped, Google is weird. It's horrible design.)




You edit multitrack audio in Audacity and not a DAW? Milady, methinks you might be a masochist. \ö/


As someone who does some filmography and light editing with audio work I know it's not easy to do what you do. But the complexities of script writing and editing for different versions. Yikes. I know I speak for most of when I say thank you for all the tremendous work you put into your art. Please be kind to yourself, you truly deserve it! *Big Hug!*