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1155 Voted

  • 1st - Mommy - 393 votes
  • 2nd - Futa werewolf - 370 votes 
  • 3rd - Nice Big Sis - 265 votes
  • 4th - Meaner (but not really) Big Sis - 127 votes

I misspoke in the ramble and said mommy won "by" instead of "with" 393 votes. But it was a close race.

Serious question... Do you prefer me saying "mommy" or "mummy"??

Upcoming SFW Mommy audio... 2 versions: Good boys + Good girls

Art by Kathcakes 




If I’m quite honest I think IMO it sounds better when you in particular say mummy rather than mommy


Mommy uwu


Mommy plz. "Soft Doting Mummy" in my brain translates into "Soft Doting Imhotep" Lmao

Jared Chinchello

This is quite the suprise, I thought werewolf gf was gonna win. Not disappointed, lookin forward to this just as much it's interesting is all. I prefer Mommy but either is good.

Oliver Lum

+1 for Mommy. I'm scared of mummies.

Koneko Toujou Is My Waifu

mommy lets go yes! so into that shit! hope one day we get mommy and sisters


I'm honestly not sure what I'd prefer if I had to think. Mommy is natural to me, but mummy sounds a lot more cozier if that makes sense.


+1 for Mummy, I love Britishisms

NekoWinters .

Mommy > mummy heck yasssss to all of them =⁰w⁰= *washes blankets and pillows amd gets everything all comfy and ready* THERE SHALL BE WARM FUZZIES!!! I'm gonna nap so gosh darn well!!! Thank you Skitty!! You're the awesomest!!! 🥰🎉


So much mommy love. Oof. Not my jam so take my spread with a pinch of salt. I personally prefer the woman cutting the crust off my pb&j sammaches be mom or mother. Mommy feels very... little. (Which I guess is the point. Lol.) Papa teddy hopes all the kiddos enjoy. Maybe after mommy's had her fun I'll take you out for milkshakes and a game of catch sport. XD lol. <3 such an... interesting (yes lets use the word interesting) family dynamic.

Khalid Patterson

mommy is the best way but im fine with whatever


It doesn't matter much to me. As long as it's soft.


I hope we get futa werewolf next time.

Bleak Briar

Mommy, definitely


I kind of got really really extremely happy when I saw this just to say. It’ll feel really comfy and everything. And I’m even more hype hearing there might sfw too, also! I’ve been slowly feeling more sensitive to these things again lately, and so many unusual (and usual) things are piling up all at once again suddenly. I’m not sure for pronunciation. I semi felt like mummy was for when I’m either already comfy and such, or a prompt to be comfied/cuddled up (or similar) a bit more; since it’s like shorter and simpler, and since I’d be thinking less. Mommy in general might be nicer though. Idk that makes any sense or if I’m thinking wrong.


Cowards, all of you


All about the mummy


I guess I'd default to "Mommy", since "Mummy" just makes me think of that one Doctor Who episode and I don't think I'd be able to shake that ^^;; That said, but I'm sure it'll be great either way!


What about... futa werewolf mommy? :thinking:

Varryance Preez

Ooh a werewolf mom would also be incredible.... Like the guys perspective with a girl werewolf.


Looking forward to some comfy stuff.

David Lyons

May as well throw in a vote for 'mummy'!


Doting? Is that a typo of some kind?


Mummy feels cozier, more familiar




Thanks alot Skitty! loveeeee youuuu!!!! 😁 also thank you for all the hard workz!


Wooo, Thanks Skitty! I think I prefer Mummy, but either is fine.


No real preference, but I'm not the person to ask either as Mommy audios don't really do anything for me sorry! Will probably still give it a listen just cause your voice is cozy <3


yaay mommy month 🥰 can’t wait to hear what you have in store skitty. also i vote mommy

Xavius Night

Had an idea, need to share it: alchemist/witch is waiting on potions to finish, so plays with you for distractions - had the idea as I woke up in a fuzzy, fragmented idea sorta way, writing it down here so I don't forget. Looking forward to the audios this month, hope you stay safe and stay healthy! Also, I find that 'mommy' sounds age12+, while 'mummy' sounds younger than that, but it's also a british thing to say 'mum' and 'mummy' in this context.


Seems I won't have my pp called smoll any time soon FeelsBadMan


i think i could've voted just for hearing skitty fumble with the word "category." too cute.


I wanted to ask where can I get a link for the discord server?


It should be in your welcome message, but it's discord.gg/skittykat ❤️


Does anyone else believe that skittykat is best armrest? Cuz she always gives me the good feels uwu


I kind of had an emotionally/physically exhausting day yesterday and passed out trying to comment, so I was kind of late. I won't repost, but I really really loved this one for so many reason and it felt perfect. It's just that I'm always hyping up those things and felt bad for not being there for it/being late on it. It was really exceptional in any case!


Soft mommy