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Chill with me and peen-kun on the couch while I ramble through "personality" quizzes. 

Note: Use adblocker. These quiz sites are infested with ads.




good morning. You're up late

Connor Boetzkes

It's a miracle, I can understand you again and I absolutely love it

Khalid Patterson

you dont understand how much these ramble audios fufill me lol.


As of today, I got kicked out of house Slytherin and forced to move to Gryffindor, this guy with a monocle who keeps saying Kaiba-boy insists he is my spirit animal, and something about a god complex (kamidere). I don't know what this all means, but thanks Skitty.


Your rambles are always so nice and comfy to listen to Skitty, thank you! c:


Another fun ramble, thanks Skitty. - I got Hufflepuff first but I feel a lot of our answers were similar so I retook it and changed two then got into Ravenclaw. - The Anime one was weirdly written lol. Seemed a bit random at times. I wonder if they are all Naruto characters though, I got Sasuke. - This one was okay, I figured I would be this type of dere (wondering if you can guess). Yours was interesting though, didn't think they could combine them, I see it though.


As always, love Ramble day. Taking fun quizzes and stuff always makes me feel closer. It reminds me of hanging out with a buddy and taking random quizzes to kill time in high school. I got: -Ravenclaw. Nerds unite! It's always a weird one cuz I could see myself in gryffindor or hufflepuff. But I guess that's why most people aren't a singular trait, huh? -For anime I got some character I've never heard of from a show I've never heard of. Clearly I am just a failure of an anime fan. Skitty doing math in her head might've been the greatest few seconds of my year so far. -The force! ... but also mixed. Feels like a cop-out. But hard to complain about being called the full package I guess.




I'm a hufflepuff, And I am a serious-looking guy and take everything too seriously and would never back down. And I am a kamidere. I feel like I am none of those :D


Welp, I got Ravenclaw because I'm a nerd I guess. I got Sasuke for the anime one which I find insulting and depressing in equal measure. And I got Kuudere because of course I did.


I was pretty sure I was gonna get Slytherin again since it's been my same answer the last couple times I did this but not this time surprisingly! 🙌 Ravenclaw gang 🙌 I also got Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You...never seen the show but he looks cool lol Took the dere quiz twice and I got Mixdere the 1st time, Kuudere the 2nd. I'm definitely somewhere in the middle there. Sleep well Skitty!


I probably take to many personality tests. I haven't taken the anime character quiz before, but I've taken the other topics before. For the Hogwarts House I got Ravenclaw. I statistically lean Ravenclaw, but I can fall into any of the houses except Hufflepuff. With this quiz I am 45% Ravenclaw, 33% Slytherin, and 22% Gryffindor, rounding up the Ravenclaw from 0.44 repeating to 0.45 and the others rounded down from .33 repeating and .22 repeating. For the anime character I got Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You. Unfortunately, I never played it or interacted with any of the games characters outside the ones in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Reading up his wiki, I'd say my personality fits him pretty well. Though his artistic flair / world view is much different then mine. For what Dere I am, I got the Kuudere result from this quiz. I usually wind up around Kuudere, Dandere, Tsundere, and Undere. I normally lean Dandere / Tsundere. For the ratios I'm about 39% Dandere, 30% Tsundere, 23% Kuudere, and 8% Undere. I'm definitely a dandere, as I'm typically shy and reserved at first, but I'll gradually get more animated and expressive as I warm up to someone. Then that is where the tsundere kicks in haha. I'll be excited and expressive with someone I'm close to and be really attached, but it'll kinda be like a cat. It'll be like, "No, I don't like you. Just ignore how I constantly talk with you, show you things, rush over when you arrive, or am generally in the same room with you 90% of the time". This ramble was really cool! It was cool to hear you results along with everyone else's. Though, I think I might've shown my inner Ravenclaw with my comment. I hope the rest of the month goes well for you Skitty!


Who knows what it all means, lol. But I hope you had fun filling it out :)


I'm glad I got a naruto character, 'cuz I probably won't recognize anything else. I'm really behind on animes. O_O I would have maybe pegged you for a hajidere, but both cute <3


You mean you don't wanna be in the same house as peen-kun?! How dare! Haha. Well, I can see you having qualities of both houses. The anime was the weirdest quiz. Which dere you are? Hmm, I'll ponder and poke you later.


As soon as I saw "the force", I knew it'd be what'd catch your eye. :)


Lol, those answers kinda seem opposing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ SAR! You broke the quiz!


Sasuke. Well, girls are all about angsty bad boys. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Embrace it.


Hmm, I'm curious if you did the quiz before or after listening to me. Cuz my answers could have primed/influenced yours. But then again, we're more complex than just a single personality :)


The anime character was messy, lol. I wouldn't take it too serious... especially with all the weird answers. It's cool that you have a breakdown of each type though. I live for reading comments, so thank you for sharing <3 I see that there's no yandere in you. This is probably a good thing. 🗡


And I was being naive and was hoping for an Anime Ninja Yandere Skitty Voldemort... ಠಗಠ My disappointment is immeasurable! Gotta let my dreams be dreams.... But I love even the most ordinary Skitty. <3


I'm trying to get back into song-writing mode atm, so of course I'm rediscovering the joys of waking up at 2am with tons of ideas :@ What is it with creativity and 2am? I don't know who Master Roshi is, but apparently I'm him. Yay? Super relieved I got Kuudere, I'm so over Yandere characters atm that I would've been very disappointed in myself ;) I know zip about HP, so I skipped it :p Always nice to hear these rambles from you Skitty :)


Slytherin [third time out of four]; Ino as well; and Kamidere. I've never cared for "which character are you" quizzes - and I haven't watched that many animoos, including Boruto's Dad - so I don't take that one seriously. I've taken a Pottermore test four times now, three times I got Slytherin and once Ravenclaw. As for the Kamidere, I'm a lawful evil shitposter by nature so that was no surprise.


I got Gryffindor for the first, Mr Satan from Dragon Ball Z for the second, and Kuudere for the Dere types. I found these tests pretty fun and the ramble nice and relaxing to listen to, thank you Skitty! ^_^


Slytherin, Uncle Iroh, Kamidere. Pretty accurately describes me I’d say. Lol would definitely just knowingly stare at a person stealing from a store. Leave it to me to not even get an anime character, but I’d say when I am not memeing or purposefully being obtuse I behave a lot like Uncle Iroh, certainly have a similar outlook on life and enjoy helping others.


This is the audio where Skitty falls asleep during the recording :p THE EVILEST!!! I am all the loves, I have been called an ethnic rainbow of love :D Came here for Skitty, stayed for the fridge noises :p Your excitement about being sorted is just smile worthy :) I'm not a Potter fan, couldn't get into the books and couldn't like any of the characters, until Sirius was introduced. LOL just hearing you reading that first anime character question, almost woke up my roommate. Where's that spray bottle, need to make sure Skitty doesn't shit everywhere lol Noooo!!! No fridge noises /unsub /re-sub Mmmmm, dairy......wait, not that kind of dairy :p Scissors? Who has rock? "I'm here to ask you one question, and one question only...EXPLOSIONS??" Think AU is alternate universe, but I'm not 100% sure lol Get some sleep sleepy mix-dere-Skitty :p Results HP - didn't do, not a fan as mentioned before :p Animu - Hercule/Mr Satan from Dragonball Z Dere - Dairydere.....kidding, it was DereDere Good night :)


Let's see what I got? Ravenclaw, Sasuke Uchiha, Mixdere. I mean that's all over the place. That was fun Skitty. We should do this more often. <3


Haha, lawful shitposter. I can appreciate that. But I agree with you, that anime one was jokes.


Mr. Satan is hilarious. I'm sure you've got more in the noggin though :)


Just goes to show we're complicated people. Can't peg us with one "personality" :)


"stayed for the fridge noises" lol. I've been replaced! :D Dairydere!!! Mooo. A whole other meaning to my audio Milking A Yummy Little Cutie.


Oh gosh, I’ve probably resonated with every house at some point. Griffindor from the quiz just now, though. It used to be Ravenclaw first and Hufflepuff last, but I’ve felt like Hufflepuff was semi correct for a bit. I’m just not sure where I’m at - hopefully Griffindor if I get confident and all brave someday. (Nice choice, hat) Am a mixdere (OK THAT ONE IS ACTUALLY SO UNFAIR. I mean it’s fitting, but I’m pretty bummed.) Ok so I’ve only seen Naruto (actually nostalgic for reasons), so Idk who Orohime Innoe (Bleach) is. Most questions I just felt like only one answer wasn’t totally off or deeply unrelatable haha. I’m too agreeable and such for whoever wrote it. Like it took me a long time to feel anger and such against any actual person; it’s tough to explain, but once someone’s bad it feels like it’s more of a ‘situation’ or idk instead of a specific person’s fault. I should try to make people accountable a bit and feel angry or anything if they wrong me too bad, it’s just really not natural at that point some of the time. It’s all quite nuanced in any case. These are always fun! I should look into Adblock and all though, since that was a bit much haha. Not the worse I’ve seen, but in total they probably got more due to all the questions/clicks.


So I am apparently a Ravenclaw, Uncle Iroh and a Kamidere, which I did not know is a thing and is at least 50% inaccurate cause it says I have high self-esteem and I for sure do not. I do have a fairly strong drive to win that bothers even me sometimes though so that at least was somewhat true. Super love that I got Iroh though, favorite Avatar character and super awesome guy :D Kinda fun, thanks Skitty, sleep well!

Rajarshi Bandopadhyay

All right, so I am Yami Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh. And a Ravenclaw. A "mixdere" on top of that. So basically, I am looking for wisdom and power, and I am not sure about love. You know, though, most of the time the options set for the questions were not nearly deep enough to capture the truth. My deadliest sin wasn't even listed in there. Tests like these are simply not as accurate as those boring ones that psychologists hand out.